View Full Version : Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Kids

07-14-2013, 11:09 AM
Hello All,

I am 37, and although I never really thought about kids, I have begun to realize that
I feel really empty lately.

I thought my life as a teacher would be enough, but I have begun to suspect that teaching has only
intensified my anxiety disorder.

The problem is that I do not see how I could raise a child with my constant anxiety from

1. How do you manage to have kids and anxiety?

2. What do about medications, if I want to procreate?

Once again, my anxiety is dominating, my life, which is sad.

07-14-2013, 11:19 AM
Hello I'm 38 I've had anxiety on and off I have two beautiful children which I adore,in not sure what you could take if you got pregnant,tho I'm sure if you made a appointment with your doctor they could tell you more About this,I think my children make my anxiety (when I do get it on and off) much better and they get me out as I'm doing things like going for days out etc I would never be without my baby's

07-14-2013, 02:54 PM
I have 3 beautiful children. Some times children can make health anxiety worse as you worry about your children but you also don't want your children to learn your panic disorder so it can make you push your panic to the back of your mind too. Also I find at tea time wen all my children are around me I'm happier and tend not to panic as they keep me busy ;) and just watching them all care free and happy makes me want that again ;). My children and hubby are my world wouldn't change them for anything they help rather than hinder

07-14-2013, 05:33 PM
Hello, I have an 18 month old, I am 26 and been suffering with anxiety since I was a child. My baby girl is my world, but yes I do get anxious because of certain things that come with being a new mum; being judged, going to baby groups meeting new people, not being able to work out what is wrong sometimes etc. But it has helped me control my anxiety and my panic attacks, but I have another person to look after and I will not allow myself to get that way. I am lucky to have am amazinvg husband to vent at as well. Maybe you need to consider what your anxiety comes from, what sparks it and if you have a good support network, but most of all - do what makes happy!

07-15-2013, 08:35 AM
I think a child would be magic. However, my girlfriend of six years has depression and also anxiety. I think we hold each other back because one of us is always sad or afraid. However, every other relationship, the woman has decided that she cannot stand my lack of nerve or courage.

Fact is, it is very tough being a male with this condition because it is perceived as weakness, which even I have started to believe.

08-04-2013, 06:20 PM
Hi, sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I can see why it could be hard having a little one if you both have anxiety, maybe it is something that you both need to try to over come through therapy and other options rather than let it hold you back x