View Full Version : Havnt had anxiety in a while, now its back

07-14-2013, 12:58 AM
I stopped drinking carbonated drinks for the last month and a half and I haven't had any attacks . Today I picked it up again , and in large quantities . I drank 2 cans in the morning , a rt. 44 drink from sonic for lunch and a thirst buster and a convenient store for dinner . And my anxiety came back strong tonight . At least I know what triggers it

07-14-2013, 01:47 AM
I wonder if its caffeine... carbonates drinks I leave alone. Because 1 it causes gas in chest which makes me feel like a heart attack and 2 it has way too much caffeine.. it never fails with anxiety

07-14-2013, 01:59 AM
I wonder if its caffeine... carbonates drinks I leave alone. Because 1 it causes gas in chest which makes me feel like a heart attack and 2 it has way too much caffeine.. it never fails with anxiety
Yeah im pretty sure it's the caffeine too. Sometimes I get anxious after a tall cup of coffee

07-14-2013, 02:06 AM
Coffee yikes scary lol.. I'm not that brave