View Full Version : Zoloft explosion

09-22-2007, 06:51 AM
The doctor has decided to put me on Zoloft so i've been taking them everyday for about 22 days barring one or two days i forgot but i've been feeling worse from taking them, instead of the anxiety which came on as a sensory sensation like the rushing of chemicals in my body, mouth chest face etc and a tingling of the skin it has changed into something different.

I woke up fine as a daisy today took a zoloft and after about half an hour it felt like a blood vessel in my head was going to pop open, i took an alprazolam to ease the strain on my brain then miraculously managed to sleep for an hour or so at which time i arose feeling relatively ok again. I felt like this perhaps once or twice this month too, after playing tennis (granted) in the blistering sun and again on my way to do laundry, it feels as though a pressure is building up in my head quite a harrowing experience. It would be much appreciated if anyone has had similar anecdotal experiences or information that would be of use to me... thank you :)