View Full Version : Anxiety attack happening now

07-13-2013, 11:58 AM
I'm having an anxiety attack now & it's been goings for about 4 hours now. I can't get rid of it & it's jolting me awake when I try to sleep. I feel awful & I don't know what to do to get rid of it today.
Please help :(

07-13-2013, 02:37 PM

Anxiety attacks are so scary! Sometimes you can't get rid of them... Mine has been going on for 7 days staright! (non stop!)

The best advice I can give is to try your best to distract your mind (reading music..) I know how hard it can be - especially when you feel so bad. Maybe talk to someone I find the site (AnxietyPanicsupport.com/chat) a really useful chat room, it helps distract me and also makes me feel better to know that other people are going throught the same struggles as me.

I also like to put a cold flannel on the areas that ache or hurt...

Good luck!

Stay strong :)

07-14-2013, 05:45 AM
I ended up phoning an ambulance at 10:30pm. I had not felt any relief from diazepam like I usually do & it was getting worse. I was convinced that I was going to have a stroke. I was alone & terrified.
They ran tests 3 times each & I was let home at 3am.
I have never been that scared in all my life :(

07-14-2013, 09:31 AM
I ended up phoning an ambulance at 10:30pm. I had not felt any relief from diazepam like I usually do & it was getting worse. I was convinced that I was going to have a stroke. I was alone & terrified.
They ran tests 3 times each & I was let home at 3am.
I have never been that scared in all my life :(


It's so scary! :(

2 days ago I did exactly the same thing! I had a weird sensation in my left side of my mouth.. and a right sided headache.. I was completely convinced I was having a stroke, too! Right now I am scared of a heart attack.. right upper arm ache.. left arm/shoulder pains... painful and tight sharp chest pains... But I know that it is the anxiety. But I am so fearful that its not...

How are you now/today? What did the ambulance staff say?

Stay strong <3

07-14-2013, 12:48 PM
Now how you feel. Apart from my anxiety is scared of a heart attack. I get anxiety attacks that carry on for ages I'm trying to find ways to control it buys its very hard!