View Full Version : First time talking about my anxiety. It feels as though it's ruining my life.

07-12-2013, 06:38 PM
Maybe I simply need someone to reassure me.

My experiences with panic and anxiety started in Jan 2012. I was driving when everything seemed to get brighter. I stopped the car and walked along the road, my heart was racing. After a bit I tried to continue but it felt as though I couldn't breathe. I made my way home and tried to sleep. I couldn't, I was awake all night fearing that I would stop breathing and die. I took me two days before I could calm down. I then read about panic attacks and panic disorder. It put my mind at ease for a bit. Over the summer I had moments when it felt as though I couldn't breathe. These moments turned into days, then weeks. Right now it feels as though I'm short of breath at all times and I am so scared that I have a serious illness. It feels as though my anxiety causes me to panic, and fear of having a panic attack again feeds my anxiety. =(

- I have been to the ER 8 different times in the past year due to a panic attack, every visit I have been told I am completely healthy.
- I smoked for 12 years before I quit. I am so scared that it was too late, that I have contracted a lung disease.
- In march of this year I went through a battery of tests: 8 x-rays, 1 chest and abdominal CT, a chest MRI, multiple blood tests, and a PFT.

On a daily basis I feel short of breath, rib pains, back pains, a lump in my throat, tingling in my hands and legs. Sometimes I don't notice these, sometimes they rule my life. I always feel 100% as soon as I wake up but then start to feel worse as the day draws on. My wife has to remind me on a daily basis that I've been through all of the tests and I am completely healthy. Could they have missed something?

My motivation for writing this is that I feel that I am at the end of my rope. I truly consider the end of my life on a daily basis. I need help. I had been speaking to a therapist and while it helped, she could not prescribe me medication. How do I know which one is the right one for me to take? Does anyone else feel these things daily? Does anyone else feel this level of dread daily? I just really need help or someone who can relate. Thank you for reading.

P.S. - I may have missed some details. I would be glad to give more information as needed.

07-12-2013, 06:51 PM

After reading your thread I had to reply. I daily think I have something wrong with me. I get lots of aches and pains which fuel my thoughts. I once read an article that said if you act like your sick your body starts to believe you are. Everyday I feel I am waiting to die. The only time off I get is when I sleep and even getting to sleep takes me forever. It's so hard as I have 2 going children and when your so afraid you don't even want to move it puts extra pressure on you. I do go through really good times where my anxiety is really good but boom I come back with a bang. :( anyway I found my meds do help and when you talk to your doc they can tell you what they think you need to try.

07-12-2013, 07:13 PM
Thank you Kimby, that helped. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been going through this? Also, did you have to try multiple medications before you found one that works?

07-12-2013, 09:47 PM
go to my profile and read my story. you are not alone in this. I keep getting tests done, they keep finding nothing. i do have a few things like psoriasis, arthritis, and carpal tunnel,all work related (except psoriasis) and contribute to my anxiety daily. ive learned a few things though that might help
1. take a d-3 daily. it helps with depression
2. if your having heart palps drink lots of water( not distilled) after a week or so they will stop
3. every day we let it consume us is another day lost.
i hope you feel better

07-12-2013, 09:53 PM
also ive smoked for 20 years and my chest xray was fine, this dosent mean i feel ok about my lungs but it was explained to me that if there were cancer in there lesions would without a doubt show up. i also had the lump in my throat, turned out to be lpr which is a form of gerd (acid reflux) caused by stress. please be careful with any meds given to you my story will explain why

07-13-2013, 06:20 PM
Thank you Kimby, that helped. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been going through this? Also, did you have to try multiple medications before you found one that works?

I've been suffering for 11 years now. I'm on citilopram 40 mls xx