View Full Version : The hard truth

07-12-2013, 03:52 PM
Some of us, if not all of us, are living in some degree of misery, your mind, body, and soul is in distress, you can't think, function, sleep, or do anything properly, you dread going to work, you don't know what to do with yourself, you sit back and watch your life happen instead of actually living it, everyones different, with different symptoms, but we can all relate to this.

Wether you have social anxiety
Or straight up GAD/Panic disorder

You can relate

But heres the truth, this is what your doctor, family, and everyone else is NOT telling you.

With the exception of thyroid disorders, ANXIETY is a lifestyle, if you want to break your anxiety, you have to first break your lifestyle.

Something in your mind and body is wrong....
Not enough exercise, not enough nutrition, you smoke, your a drug addict, your an alcoholic, you don't get enough sleep, blah blah blah, forget it.

Something you're doing in your life is triggering stress, and this prolonged stress is bringing you down physically and mentally.

Most of us, have many things in our daily lifestyle witch causes stress, so its impossible to change one thing and hope you feel better.

Here's the truth about anxiety/depression, YES ITS A CHEMICAL IMBALANCE, but you made it that way! And YOU AND ONLY YOU CAN TRULY BALANCE THEM.

You have to think long and hard about when you were happy and healthy, and then you need to compare it to now, and this requires deep thought but it is possible, you need to see what you are doing now, compared to then, and change everything, you have to drop it all and follow your heart, and trust that it knows whats best for you, you have to break the cycle, do not ever think you have to live this way forever, thats false, the mind and body can heal itself dramatically, no matter how hard it gets, no matter whats going in your life, if your serious about beating your anxiety, you will be serious about changing your life.

Wake up people, theres a beautiful life waiting for people willing to take it.

07-12-2013, 04:07 PM
I can't stop driving, got bills to pay. Gotta go to work, gotta deal with rude and inconsiderate people. Not gonna work for me. If I was rich, I could be healed :-) nice thread though!!

07-12-2013, 04:10 PM
Driving, going to work, paying bills, and dealing with rude people is whats causing your stress?

07-12-2013, 04:15 PM
Driving, going to work, paying bills, and dealing with rude people is whats causing your stress?

I'm pretty sure. Cause I'm pretty good while at work. I think it's the drive home mainly . But really I not 100 percent sure. I get so upset with people on he roadways that speed, don't use their turn signals. Stuff like that . But when the day is over and I'm home, I'm a wreck. So I think it's the drive :-)

07-12-2013, 04:16 PM
I don't mind paying bills lol

07-12-2013, 05:10 PM
Dude, no offence, but thats easily fixable, I'm talking about the people who are in serious trouble with they're anxiety, and have no hope

07-12-2013, 05:15 PM
Dude, no offence, but thats easily fixable, I'm talking about the people who are in serious trouble with they're anxiety, and have no hope

No offense taken my friend. Medications have helped. Yes, I'm actually a mild case compared to lots on here. It was really bad the first month for me. I'm actually almost tolerable. Have flare ups from time to time

07-14-2013, 05:08 PM
Glad to hear your doing better! Iv'e also beaten my panic disorder for the most part, now i'm just back to good ol anxiety.