View Full Version : getting Serious about ending anxiety suffering

John Campbell
07-12-2013, 07:27 AM
Meditation now gets me to net positive happiness in large periods of my life, but the pain and distress my amygdala cause me when they fire in certain stress situations is very, very extreme and intense.

My current plan is

1. Try to manage life so these stress moments don't occur (lots of preplanning so I am set up for them; may be impossible).
(When my anxiety system kicks in it knocks out my frontal cortexes, so it's basically impossible to think then; I don't buy approaches such as this being workable in reality; brainleadersandlearners tame-your-amygdala/)

If that does not work;
2. Try the various meds that may help (e.g. socialanxietysupport amygdala-removal-449249/)

If that does not work;
3. Amygdala removal (e.g. yalescientific fearless literally/)

If that does not work;
4. Exit.