View Full Version : N. Fowleri anxiety! help

07-11-2013, 07:24 PM
Yesterday I got a cup of water out of a water jug full of tap water at work. As I was drinking it I had swallowed wrong and had a bunch come out my nose so I snorted it back up and them spit because it had burned. It keep bothering me so I sucked back up through my nose again. Afterwards for some reason or another I got in my head the possibility of having N. Fowleri now. I have a headache and my neck is stiff though I can't remember if my neck had been stiff previous to today and yesterday. So now I can't focus on anything.

07-11-2013, 09:10 PM
you have a headache because of the pressure the water put on your sinuses, you neck is most likely holding the tension. try and take it easy i understand how scary this is. it may take another day or two. try and push through it