View Full Version : Almost to the point of drinking again

07-11-2013, 03:23 PM
My anxiety has never been higher. Im almost at 3 months sober and still feel like shit. Ive been on Celexa for 4 weeks ( I thought I had been on it longer but I wasn't). I don't feel its helping. I still cant leave the house without having extreme anxiety. All the doctors Ive seen cant figure out my off balance issue which started before I quit drinking. I thought the alcohol was causing it, but its still here..

07-11-2013, 03:40 PM
What is this off balance issue can I ask? 4 weeks isn't long for anti depressant to kick in wait at least another 2 weeks before going back to your docter. Dean

07-11-2013, 03:44 PM
It feels like Im on a boat sometimes. I am also sensitive to movement around me. For example, If Im on something that isn't stable like my front porch, any movement throws me into a panic. It will feel like the floor is moving at times. Its not a spinning dizziness.

07-11-2013, 03:54 PM
I get something probably different, If I for any reason get unbalanced my body is hyper sensitive and will realise panic hormones, like if im in a shop and im concentrating on reading a magazine, my head will start to spin or if I go slightly off balance I start to panic and feel as if i'm losing control, going to faint. The way you describe it does sound similar to how I would describe mine. I also get it in lifts-which I avoid.

07-11-2013, 07:01 PM
Does it feel like the floor beneath you is moving up and down?

07-11-2013, 08:04 PM
i get the same thing sometimes when the pressure around me changes. i live in ohio, we went to florida and the same thing began to happen. the first time i thought it was a minor earthquake or something. got back home and it stopped. its a very scary feeling. are you taking any ibproferen? sorry my spelling sucks. when it happened to me i was also taking ibproferen 800 to battle a bad sunburn. this may have been the cause

07-11-2013, 08:10 PM
I hear you man! I thought my anxiety/panic attacks were sparked from binge drinking at the beginning of the year after I was layed off. I'm starting to think drinking is a better option than meds though...

07-11-2013, 08:16 PM
Drinking heavy will give me one every time :( I wanna drink again like I used to so bad.

07-11-2013, 08:29 PM
It feels like Im on a boat sometimes. I am also sensitive to movement around me. For example, If Im on something that isn't stable like my front porch, any movement throws me into a panic. It will feel like the floor is moving at times. Its not a spinning dizziness.

I'm kinda like that too. I had a time when I fell to the right for a few days, and it went away. Thought it was vertigo. Since I have anxiety now, I assume it was that. The slightest things make me feel dizzy now,my cat purring on my chest, where I lay the bed springs bounce a little after I move and it makes me dizzy, turning my head to the right and back, cameras on
The television etc.

07-12-2013, 11:16 AM
I think my problems came from drinking. I've had a problem with alcohol ever since I was 18 or so. I've been at least tipsy for the past seven years pretty much daily. At one point I managed to kick the booze but well, I relapsed. Then came the panic attacks and I thought all the booze was the reason so I managed to stop drinking. At first the panic attacks and anxiety were really bad, almost unbearable. Having relied so much on alcohol I'm having a hard time finding anything exciting do after work but finding hobbies and visiting friends has made my life a lot better.

In my own experience the first two months are the worst. For about a month I experienced daily panic attacks throughout the day but coped. Then came the anxiety which in my opinion is even worse than the panic attacks. It was constantly there and wouldn't go away. Currently I'm at month number three and things have gotten a lot better. I haven't had a panic attack in weeks! The anxiety is still there but day by day its slowly starting to let me go from it's grip.

I'm sure you will get through all this too. Always try to keep a positive attitude towards life and try different things that have helped other people. Healthy foods, supplements (I use a lot of them), exercise, hobbies and socializing. Some things have helped me while others haven't had any effect. I'm sure you will be able to find a way through all this. Just keep strong :)