View Full Version : thyroid??

09-20-2007, 08:13 PM
i just got back from my first doctor appintment today and my doctor prescribed me paxol. she wanted to do blood tests on me for my thyroid, and i just wasnt up for it. i can stand having to get my blood taken. i'm pretty sure that it isnt my thyroid causing these problems anyhow, because my family has a history of anxiety, sense both my sisters,my mom,aunt, and cousin have all had it. and 4 of them too medication for it. but it scares me to think that something could be wrong with my thyroid, and its my fault i could be checked to see if it did, but i was just too nervous. i didnt even know that my thyroid could cause anxiety and panic attacks??? i want to know how many people actually have the same symptoms as i do over a thyroid problem, because i just dont believe i have it.

09-21-2007, 07:23 PM
Hey jrreed360 although it may not be the cause, if you have an under or overactive thyroid it can be the reason for your anxiety. You should check out the symptoms by searching them and see if you have any of them. You may find yourself as self fullfilling them as i often will do. I would reccomend getting the test as if it is the main reason what a relief that would be.

09-22-2007, 01:20 PM
Just get the blood test and be done with it, if there is a problem you can fix it. I'm sure many here would love to chalk up their anxiety to a thyroid they could fix with a pill. I doubt it is, but why wonder?

09-25-2007, 07:43 AM
Thyroid test, hormone tests (very important) and a host of other tests.

Really should have the blood test to rule out another cause. While this is happening learn all you can about the condition and get some strategies to deal with your episodes.

My wife actually had a ct scan to check for brain bleeds, so tests are many and various. It must be done though.

10-07-2007, 01:49 AM
okay well earlier this year i was sent to the emergency room after visiting my GP because my heart was not feeling good at all (pressure, rapid heart beat, finding it hard to breathe). when i was in the ER i had a load of tests done on me and the doctor thought i had an over-active thyroid...but came back an hour later telling me that it wasnt my thyroid at all, so they kept me in over night...cardiologist came to the conclusion it was most likely a stress/anxiety problem. i get pretty freaked out about needles and all...the first test they did on me...i asked for a numbing solution so i couldnt feel the needle, i was so worried about it!......after that i just had to get the blood test done as usual....and honestly there is nothing to worry about..they do not hurt. get yourself tested....if it is stress/anxiety you are going to be making the problem even worse worrying about your health (thyroid) ect.