View Full Version : Treatment Worse Than Cure?

07-11-2013, 04:57 AM
Hi all,

Been on this latest course of antibiotics for a week or so now. Since then i've had the worst dizziness of my life. I mean i've had anxiety dizziness before sometimes lasting over a month. But this feels more intense. Thankfully today it's lessened and at times even disppaeared.

I've also had lower back/flank pain. It's just to the side of the 2 protruding bones of the back of the pelvis. But also stomach pains, front side pains around belly button level, nausea, loss of appetite.

Rang GP and waiting for a call back because i'm a bit concerned. But i'm only 1.5 weeks at most into a 6 week course. I just don't know what's best to do at this point. Taken too many antibiotics for this damned Epididymitis. But after reading the leaflet with the antibiotics it mentioned kidney problems. Shouldn't have googled but I did it appears recent medical trials have found several antibiotics more prone to cause kidney failure than others. 2 of which i'm on...fun.

Funnily enough the dizziness disappearing coincides with this near constant lower back and flank pains whereby i've convinced myself there's something wrong with my kidneys. The leaflet said avoid zinc supplements. Then I noticed in my new healthy diet several of the foods i've been eating lots of are highly rich in zinc and the antibiotics lower zinc absortion which can also cause kidney problems.

Rang NHS direct who said a nurse would call me back in 2 hours. 2 minutes later I got a call back. made me worry they must've thought it was urgent. Described everythign in detail. She said she didn't know but I should speak to a Dr immediately.

What's most annoying is that chronic epididymitis is a very common diagnosis by urologists and yet there is no long term drug treatment for it. If antibiotics or anti inflammatories don't work there's 2 options. Wait for it to burn out which can take between 0.5-20 years or remove the testicle.

Add to that the fact that the anti inflammatory I was on long term has been removed from sale due to the severity of side effects and I'm really not feeling good about the situation or all the foreign bodies in terms of drugs i've been told to put into my body for 3 months.

Ugh, wish I could make sense of this. Guess I just have to wait and see what the GP says. I really don't want to be moved onto yet another antibiotic. I just wish these pains would go away and i'm struggling to work out if it's simply anxiety around medication and side effects of medication or if it's genuinely side effects.

I was looking forward to my 2 weeks holiday, but it's just been blighted by some of the worst sets of symptoms in terms of severity i've had in this 2.5 years of anxiety. WHat's more i'm back at work next week and those fluorescent lights always make my dizziness even worse.

This really is a struggle.


07-11-2013, 05:35 AM
So I spoke to the GP he said it sounds likey something wrong with the kidneys and that I will need to make an appointment later today.

So now i'm terrified....great


07-11-2013, 07:46 AM
So sorry Ed. Hang in there. Looks like the doc has a good idea where to look for the problem. I'm sure everything will be alright. Stay positive. You'll be just fine!

07-11-2013, 07:59 AM
Wish I could. I know deep down it's unliekly going to be anything serious. But since reading about it i've been going nuts with symptoms. Chest pains, shrotness of breath, sharp pains when trying to deep breath, arm pains, chest tightness. When I walked up to the doctors in the blinding sun and heat I felt like I was going to pass out. by the time I got to the dr's my heart was racing so fast I thought it'd explode.

I know these are all classic signs of anxiety and stress. But how on earth can I do another 29 days of this whilst taking these meds? When i'm not getting the lower back pain and fear about kidneys it's all the above plus feeling hot or very dizzy when lying down and my hearts been racing for hours.
