View Full Version : Sleepless.

07-10-2013, 01:21 AM
How ridiculous. I was able to fall asleep tonight and something woke me up, I think I heard my boyfriend snoring. Now I cannot get back to sleep. My digestive system is all out of whack. I'm panicky and it's causing me to feel sick. I'm trying to control my breathing and it works but then my heart starts pounding again and I can't get a hang of it. It's very frustrating, I'm so tired and I have to work tomorrow.

07-10-2013, 01:29 AM
I hate that my anxiety revolves around the worry that I may vomit. Since it makes me a tad nauseated when I'm anxious it just fuels the fire. Does anyone have any advice? Or any soothing thoughts or stories they can throw my way?