View Full Version : Has anyone tried accupuncture ?

07-09-2013, 10:17 PM
Had my first session today, it was ok,acupuncturists says I need a 3-6 session and she can cure me. She recommended a green tea detox drink, that I will start tomorrow . She also said my adrenal glands are fatigue'd , and that's what causing my lightheaded/dizzy/off balance symptoms.. She gave me medication for that also. I'm just kinda skeptical since I've had my GP run a bunch of test's on me only to find nothing. So here I am giving this a try

07-09-2013, 10:30 PM
No, but I have friends who swear by it. I've seriously considered it. Keep us posted how it goes.

07-09-2013, 10:34 PM
No, but I have friends who swear by it. I've seriously considered it. Keep us posted how it goes.

Will do . I've got my next appt. Thursday

07-11-2013, 04:07 PM
Let me know how this goes buddy. It was a significant chapter in my improvement.

07-12-2013, 07:52 AM
I've done acupuncture and thought it really helped. My anxiety causes me to have nausea and other stomach related issues, and i'm convinced acupuncture was the only thing that made an improvement. My acupuncturist wasn't treating my anxiety he was treating the symptoms, but the symptoms made me more anxious so it was like a vicious cycle. It helped me break that cycle. It does take a few sessions to feel a real affect, so give it time. Good luck!

07-12-2013, 09:25 AM
I've done acupuncture and thought it really helped. My anxiety causes me to have nausea and other stomach related issues, and i'm convinced acupuncture was the only thing that made an improvement. My acupuncturist wasn't treating my anxiety he was treating the symptoms, but the symptoms made me more anxious so it was like a vicious cycle. It helped me break that cycle. It does take a few sessions to feel a real affect, so give it time. Good luck!

That's exactly why I'm going . I really don't feel anxious no more . But I have these nagging symptoms that WILL NOT GO AWAY... I'm constantly lightheaded \ off balance feeling , sometimes with nausea ..all day ... Sometimes at night I wake up in the middle of the night with my head spinning so dizzy I can't go back to sleep. Consciously I'm not anxious , but subconsciously I still might be.? I just don't know . Hopefully acupuncture can help me .

07-12-2013, 10:52 AM
Hey RAIDER. Im with ya on the off balance feeling. Im to the point that Im starting to believe its anxiety. It can manifest itself in many different ways. It always seems to pick the most bothersome symptom and lets it stick around. Ive done a little research and there is a thing called psychogenic dizziness. Have you had tests done? Ive had a lot (blood sugar, ekg, chest CT, blood work) all came out good. My bp does raise pretty bad during an attack, but I don't think that's it because mine actually went away for a few days until I had a bad weekend.

07-12-2013, 11:10 AM
Hey RAIDER. Im with ya on the off balance feeling. Im to the point that Im starting to believe its anxiety. It can manifest itself in many different ways. It always seems to pick the most bothersome symptom and lets it stick around. Ive done a little research and there is a thing called psychogenic dizziness. Have you had tests done? Ive had a lot (blood sugar, ekg, chest CT, blood work) all came out good. My bp does raise pretty bad during an attack, but I don't think that's it because mine actually went away for a few days until I had a bad weekend.

Yea I've had several blood tests done, also was checked out by an ear nose throat specialist because I thought it cold be an ear infection causing vertigo symptoms, all was good there also. I just recently had a brain M.R.I because I had periods where I had constant headaches, that came back normal too, so it has to be anxiety ! It's just that I don't feel anxious . The whole situation is just weird to me