View Full Version : Any success stories?

07-09-2013, 08:59 AM
I'm going thru a tough time right now. Stress is way high. And my panic attacks keep kicking in. I went to my mom for support the other day, during an attack. She told me "why don't you write down everything you think your dying of and have the dr check off each one I'm not dying of"! I just broke down after that. I needed support and help but in the end I felt so guilty for bothering her with my anxiety. Now I'm too scared to even open up to anyone when I'm having a panic attack. I don't want to burden them with my problems. I admit I panic a lot about my heart. But I've been to the dr and had a full heart assessment and it was all good. But I have nerve and muscle damage in my neck and it effects only my left side. Left arm, face, left breast, left neck. All the classic symptoms of a heart attack. And even though I'm not having a heart attack I still go into a panic attack thinking that I am! But now I'm too scared to tell anyone, so instead I find a place, away from anyone, and I just cry! Like today. I've pulled my shoulder I think. And now I'm getting nerve sensations in my left breast where the breast muscle and nerves join the sternum. I know it's nerve. But my anxiety says other wise. And I'm too scared to confide in anyone. So all day today, while I've been alone with my toddler, I've just cried and cried! Will this ever stop? Will it ever go away? I do everything I can. I take my medication for depression and anxiety. I try to do my breathing. I do my cognitive behavioral therapy exercises. But it won't go away!! I don't want to feel like this anymore. And sometimes I don't. Sometimes I feel great! Better than great. Normal, no worries and then boom. In a matter of seconds I'm panicking and really depressed again. I'm also worrying that maybe I have bipolar disorder. I'm not going to lie. I'm overweight. I'm not exercising. In the last year I've put on more weight. Not because I'm over eating. Just because I'm not doing anything! I'm always tired. I can't find motivation. I get mad at myself for having polycistic ovarian syndrome too, because it makes it so much harder to lose weight. I really do hate myself right now! And yes, I have thoughts of suicide. But no, I will not do it. I love my husband and son too much to put them thru that. My dad left this world that way and I know how it feels. I won't put them thru that. But I need help!! I need to know if there really is an end to all this? I feel so alone and scared all the time!!!!! :'(

07-09-2013, 09:06 AM
You aren't alone Kalita! Anxiety is more common than people know. Its a real problem and its hard to know how to fix it. All we can do is be there for each other during the rough part. Im sorry you are having such a hard time. It can be really hard to explain just how hard it is to family. I haven't figured out how to live with mine quite yet, but I agree that anitdepressants are helping me, and yes they make you really tired all of the time and Ive gained some weight also since being on them. Its good to let things out once in a while, and if you want to talk just shoot me a message or friend me. Im not sure how the site works quite yet as far as messaging. Just try and relax today and see do your favoirte things. It helps me to drink a hot beverage. I hope you start to feel better, and know that you aren't alone in this.

07-09-2013, 09:21 AM
Thanks bitsofthread. It's 1:15am here now. I should be asleep, but I can't shut my mind off. I've decided to go see my dr tomorrow. I have to anyway. I was sick in May and my liver enzymes were up a little bit so last week I did another blood test to see whether they have gone back down. Another thing to stress about! But while I'm there I might try to mention to her about my shoulder pain and chest numb sensation. Maybe she can tell me what it is and put my mind at ease. That's all I can think of right now. I'm at a loss as to how else I can get over this! I'm to the point where I wake in the morning and burst in to tears because I want to go back to sleep and dream. Because in my dreams I don't panic! I know this is all not normal. I want it to go away. I want to be happy!

07-09-2013, 10:23 AM
I went through a really rough time last year, was maximum stressed for several months.. panic attacks and anxiety crept in and totally took over my life.. It ended up that all the stress had depleted my magnesium.. Spend a little time today researching Stress, Anxiety, and Magnesium.. then rush out and get u some!

07-09-2013, 12:32 PM
When I had my first panic attack last year it was awful and I thought I would never be the same again I was convinced I was dying of everything and even wrote letters to my family saying goodbye after 9 months on medication and support from family and friends i got my life back I relapsed last year and again everything I learned I forgot and I thought I was going crazy but I've beat it again you will get there hunni always feel free to pm me

07-09-2013, 03:38 PM
I know how you feel.. I wake up everyday with worries if I'm going to feel better today then yesterday.i sometimes do feel like giving up and just taking my life. I'm 27 and I feel I have my life ahead of me. but then I start thinking if I'm going to feel like this for the rest o my life and that makes me sad. :/ your not alone in this :) in know how you feel

07-09-2013, 03:43 PM
Yes there is light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to keep moving in the right direction. If you don't do anything about your anxiety maybe it won't get better but if you push forward you will defeat it. I would say im about 90% better now and its from all natural methods. I have taken benzos here and there to help me sleep but thats about it. If something your trying isn't working then try something new. Everyone is different and everyone has more success with different methods. Eat healthy, eliminate caffeine, alcohol, sugars, and start exercising, going to therapy, getting sunlight, and look into vitamins and supplements. You can and will defeat this if you are willing to try.

07-09-2013, 09:47 PM
I just saw the Dr. I hate myself. I'm still panicking. The Dr agrees that the sensation I'm feeling in my chest is nerve. She's given me a referral to go get a CT Scan for my spine. But she did my blood pressure and it was 140/90. I already take blood pressure medication but she said I need to come back in two days and do blood pressure again. She said it might be up because I was stressing. Stressing is not exactly the word. I broke down in her office. Burst into tears. Seriously! Can having a melt down like that make your blood pressure rise?!! I just want to cry, hide, runaway. I can't handle this anymore. I can't keep stressing like this. I don't want to feel like this anymore!!!!!!! :'(
PS. I'm already taking magnesium tablets. Have done so for a while.

07-10-2013, 12:06 AM
Yes that will surely raise your blood pressure. Mine is always higher when I goto the doctor. Try taking it at one of those self test stations at your local grocery or drug store. Try to do it when you are feeling calm. Try and sit down for a good five minutes if you have been walking around a lot. That will give you a better idea of what your BP really is.

07-10-2013, 12:32 AM
I think I have a straight out fear of blood pressure machines. When I hear "Let's take your blood pressure" I get a feeling of dread. I've noticed that if I'm ok (not panicking or stressed) and I deep breathe when my blood pressure is being taken, then I get a nice low reading. But today. Nope. I couldn't get a grip. I'm calming down now, but I think only because of the Valium. I'm seeing my therapist tomorrow. I will see what she says. I'm seriously concerned now that I actually do have bipolar. I get these highs then plummet to lows suddenly. :(

07-10-2013, 03:33 PM
I just saw the Dr. I hate myself. I'm still panicking. The Dr agrees that the sensation I'm feeling in my chest is nerve. She's given me a referral to go get a CT Scan for my spine. But she did my blood pressure and it was 140/90. I already take blood pressure medication but she said I need to come back in two days and do blood pressure again. She said it might be up because I was stressing. Stressing is not exactly the word. I broke down in her office. Burst into tears. Seriously! Can having a melt down like that make your blood pressure rise?!! I just want to cry, hide, runaway. I can't handle this anymore. I can't keep stressing like this. I don't want to feel like this anymore!!!!!!! :'(
PS. I'm already taking magnesium tablets. Have done so for a while.

You seem like you have white coat syndrome. Happens to a lot of people including me. Maybe if you get a high reading, you can ask them to wait about 10 minutes, if you can, lay on your left hand side, close your eyes and relax. Pretty sure once they take it again, your bp will be lower.

07-11-2013, 02:35 AM
I think I have a straight out fear of blood pressure machines. When I hear "Let's take your blood pressure" I get a feeling of dread. I've noticed that if I'm ok (not panicking or stressed) and I deep breathe when my blood pressure is being taken, then I get a nice low reading. But today. Nope. I couldn't get a grip. I'm calming down now, but I think only because of the Valium. I'm seeing my therapist tomorrow. I will see what she says. I'm seriously concerned now that I actually do have bipolar. I get these highs then plummet to lows suddenly. :(

Bipolar is commonly misdiagnosed. Blood sugar problems can cause those rapid mood swings. See if you can find any connection with these high and lows and how they relate to your eating. See if eating food helps your lows.

07-12-2013, 09:47 PM
Finally got myself together!! That was the longest panic attack I've had in ages!!
So, blood pressure is back to normal. Seems it was up due to panic attack.
Dr sent me for emergency CT Scan and have discovered that the pain I'm getting on my left side and left chest is coming from my neck. I have osteoarthritis in the C1-C4 joints? of my neck. And also bulging discs between the C1-C4. All that is pressing on nerves that control my left side. So, did blood tests. Found out that my Vitamin D3 is extremely low. I'm not absorbing calcium or Vitamin C either. So having treatment now to get the Vitamin D3 back up. Starting with prescription Vit D. If no response to that, it'll be Vitamin D3 injections.
Food wise, she said diet is ok. But I'm possibly gluten intolerant. Tests are coming back showing mild reaction to gluten. And she tells me, gluten when not tolerated, can cause panic attacks. Also, I need to start eating more frequently. Having too many low sugars (I take insulin for type 1 diabetes). And I have to increase my protein!!? Have no idea why!!! I guess that means eating meat, eggs, I don't know what else.
Oh and yep! My therapist reckons "white coat syndrome"! Auugghh.
Both dr and therapist don't believe I have Bipolar. They have both agreed that I'm permanently stressed and need to find a way to switch off. I had a sleep study done not long ago and dr said my brain literally never shuts down. In fact, when I'm sleeping, my brain activity actually quadruples. Weird!! I wonder what I'm doing in my sleep!!! Hmmm.
Anyway... guys.... thanks for all your comments. I'm serious. YOU are the ones that kept me same for the last few days. I really would never wish anxiety and depression on my worst enemy. It's so hard!!!! Thanks everyone. xoxoxoxo.

07-13-2013, 12:57 AM
Finally got myself together!! That was the longest panic attack I've had in ages!!

and have discovered that the pain I'm getting on my left side and left chest is coming from my neck. I have osteoarthritis in the C1-C4 joints? of my neck. And also bulging discs between the C1-C4. All that is pressing on nerves that control my left side. So, did blood tests. Found out that my Vitamin D3 is extremely low. I'm not absorbing calcium or Vitamin C either. So having treatment now to get the Vitamin D3 back up. Starting with prescription Vit D. If no response to that, it'll be Vitamin D3 injections.
Food wise, she said diet is ok. But I'm possibly gluten intolerant. Tests are coming back showing mild reaction to gluten. And she tells me, gluten when not tolerated, can cause panic attacks. Also, I need to start eating more frequently. Having too many low sugars (I take insulin for type 1 diabetes). And I have to increase my protein!!? Have no idea why!!! I guess that means eating meat, eggs, I don't know what else.
Oh and yep! My therapist reckons "white coat syndrome"! Auugghh.
Both dr and therapist don't believe I have Bipolar. They have both agreed that I'm permanently stressed and need to find a way to switch off. I had a sleep study done not long ago and dr said my brain literally never shuts down. In fact, when I'm sleeping, my brain activity actually quadruples. Weird!! I wonder what I'm doing in my sleep!!! Hmmm.
Anyway... guys.... thanks for all your comments. I'm serious. YOU are the ones that kept me same for the last few days. I really would never wish anxiety and depression on my worst enemy. It's so hard!!!! Thanks everyone. xoxoxoxo.

Really long panic attacks like that are awful! I have them sometimes. I'm glad your doctor was able to figure out whats wrong with your arm/neck.
Vitamin D deficiency like that can cause or add to depression. The protein thing is to help keep your blood suger stable, unstable blood sugar can affect your mood.

I'm hoping getting some of this medical feedback helps a bit by giving you things to do to help...


07-13-2013, 02:48 AM
Finally got myself together!! That was the longest panic attack I've had in ages!!
So, blood pressure is back to normal. Seems it was up due to panic attack.
Dr sent me for emergency CT Scan and have discovered that the pain I'm getting on my left side and left chest is coming from my neck. I have osteoarthritis in the C1-C4 joints? of my neck. And also bulging discs between the C1-C4. All that is pressing on nerves that control my left side. So, did blood tests. Found out that my Vitamin D3 is extremely low. I'm not absorbing calcium or Vitamin C either. So having treatment now to get the Vitamin D3 back up. Starting with prescription Vit D. If no response to that, it'll be Vitamin D3 injections.
Food wise, she said diet is ok. But I'm possibly gluten intolerant. Tests are coming back showing mild reaction to gluten. And she tells me, gluten when not tolerated, can cause panic attacks. Also, I need to start eating more frequently. Having too many low sugars (I take insulin for type 1 diabetes). And I have to increase my protein!!? Have no idea why!!! I guess that means eating meat, eggs, I don't know what else.
Oh and yep! My therapist reckons "white coat syndrome"! Auugghh.
Both dr and therapist don't believe I have Bipolar. They have both agreed that I'm permanently stressed and need to find a way to switch off. I had a sleep study done not long ago and dr said my brain literally never shuts down. In fact, when I'm sleeping, my brain activity actually quadruples. Weird!! I wonder what I'm doing in my sleep!!! Hmmm.
Anyway... guys.... thanks for all your comments. I'm serious. YOU are the ones that kept me same for the last few days. I really would never wish anxiety and depression on my worst enemy. It's so hard!!!! Thanks everyone. xoxoxoxo.

Sounds like your getting on track to start feeling better. Its so nice to get answers. The low vitamin D could actually be causing 90% of your anxiety and depression if you have it. It might take months to get it back up to optimal levels but you will feel better without a doubt. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption so that is why your calcium levels are low. Gluten intolerance is VERY common cause of anxiety and is just rough on the human body. Try to eliminate it if you can. Yes the protein is to help keep you fuller longer and keep sugar levels stable. Especially because you take insulin. Insulin lowers blood sugar oftentimes too low. Low blood sugar alone can cause horrible anxiety, manic, and depressive episodes. I suggest getting a blood glucose tester. You can usually get one for free from a local pharmacy. Also if you aren't sleeping well this just magnify your anxiety.

I feel confident enough to say that if you bring your vit D level up, start eating better, eliminating gluten, keeping sugar stable, and getting good quality sleep than you will be 90% better. Maybe even cured. I encourage you to look into calming supplements to help with anxiety and sleep.

Some things that come to mind are Magnesium, Glycine, Taurine, L-Theanine, Sleepytime EXTRA tea, Valerian, Gaba, and Inositol.

07-19-2013, 04:22 AM
Thank nf1234.

I have a blood glucose tester already. I use it everyday when I have to do my insulin. And I'm taking magnesium. So, I shall see how the Vitamin D goes. Fingers crossed!!