View Full Version : New and scared

09-17-2007, 04:11 PM
Hi everybody. I need someone to talk to. I'm 33, I'm a full time student as of 3 weeks ago. Up until that tie I've been a full time employee, apart time student, mom. My first anxiety attack happened during microbiology class , back in Feb. I've got my first B, you may laugh but the program I appplied to almoost requreid students to have all A's ( there were only 28 spots available). Eventually I got an A in that class, I was accepted but my anxiety episodes got worse. I would wake up with a fast beating heart, feling sick, scared. Recently I've been having pains in my chest and my left shoulder. Today in class we talked about angina and it's sympoms - what do you think that did to me??? Instant anxiety attack. I called my doctor with a question If I may have an angina. He took me in, did and EKG, he said that he 's 99.9999% sure it's my enxiety. Did anyone have symptoms like mine???? Please let me know, I"m really scared. I tried to take Lexapro, I was sick for 4 days, lost about 5 pounds, had to stop. Right now I'm trying herbal meds plus meditation. What else can help??? I'm desperate. Thank You. :cry:

09-17-2007, 08:48 PM
Hello cda33 I get the chest pain and pain in shoulders, also in the left and right arm. It was very freightning at first, but just pay no attention to it, most people with anxiety have these pains at some stage.

It does sound as though you are under an awful amount of pressure, full time Mum, working and going to college. I don't take medication myself, (just couldn't find any to agree with me) so I cannot advise you on that, but I am sure some one else will.

09-18-2007, 07:02 AM
Hello cda33 I get the chest pain and pain in shoulders, also in the left and right arm. It was very freightning at first, but just pay no attention to it, most people with anxiety have these pains at some stage.

It does sound as though you are under an awful amount of pressure, full time Mum, working and going to college. I don't take medication myself, (just couldn't find any to agree with me) so I cannot advise you on that, but I am sure some one else will.

HI Daisy, thanks so much. It's really frightening to have symptoms like I have. I'm trying to exercise more, it actually helps. My family tries to understand but basically they say I'm overreacting. They don't feel what I do . Anyway, thanks for your reply. It's good to know that I'm not crazy and I'm not the only one with a problem. :P

10-03-2007, 04:24 PM
Ha. You're totally NOT crazy. you've got anxiety. And these days it's so common, it's more of a personality trait than a disorder. I too used to get the chest and arm pain.

Since then, I'm happy to say i've taken control of it. You will too in time. Just keep learning more about yourself, your emotions and in time you'll find a peace with these feelings.

It's going to be ok.


10-08-2007, 03:17 PM
Hi Rachel, thanks for your reply. I've been free of anxiety attacks for the last two weeks. Last Th I felt the pain in my arm again - I was sooo mad. My anxiety was back. I had 2 big exams that day, that probably was a trigger. I'm better today, I'm trying to do my breathing exercises and think happy thoughts. That web site that you mentioned - I registered there and I keep getting helfull e-mails from them. Did you buy the book and if you did - was it really helpull??? Please let me know. Meantime - thanks again. :D