View Full Version : New Diet

07-09-2013, 06:02 AM
Back to eating healthy (money permitting). Made another huge salad, missing a few key ingredients but added some more for the mean time. Lettuce, rocket, tomatoes, shiitaki and white mushrooms, cashews, asparagus, spinach in an italian dressing.

For snacks a huge tub full of hemp, seasame and pumpin seeds with cashews and peanuts and raisins too.

Breakfast shredded wheat with dairy free coconut milk.

Also bought a blender a loads of fruit so I can have a fruit smoothie with added seeds, nuts and veg every morning so i'll get over my 5 a day within 10 minutes.

Brown rice and pasta too with soy sauce and raw veg for dinner. Not sure about sandwiches as i'm a bread fiend so gonna have to work out sandwich fillings at a later date.




07-09-2013, 06:25 AM
Good for you! Healthy eating can be a great boost for your mind.