View Full Version : Scared

07-09-2013, 02:48 AM
I had a real bad attack and my Bp was 167/123 im scared I'm gonna die was worst attack I've had in a while feel like I might of damaged my heart with that Bp highest its ever been during a attack kind of scary my heart rate was only 81 I'm screwed I prob got a heart problem or cardio problem :(

07-09-2013, 05:56 AM
This is fear and anxiety talking. The heart is a very efficient and resilient organ. Visit your doctor if you're truly concerned but you have to accept what they tell you which will no doubt be that you have done no damage and that raised BP is very common when you have anxity episode.

Checking your bp and pulse can become an obsession when you have anxiety. I know I used to check my pulse constantly. But you should do it to rationalize situations. Focus on breathing, remind yourself you're not in any danger. Speak to your doctor about cognitive behavioural therapy if you're finding coping with anxiety difficult and can't fully accept it's anxiety causing the symptoms you experience.

Hope you feel better soon.
