View Full Version : Not so good morning.

Anxious Abi
07-09-2013, 02:22 AM
Having a bad time this morning, I'm really not sure why, I have nothing to be anxious about, as far as putting myself in situations I find difficult, I have no plans today.
The past few days I have felt a little down, this morning I feel heavy, emotional, I can't stop shaking and I have constantly got tears in my eyes. I'm trying my best to keep busy and get on with things, but every so often I find myself staring at nothing just feeling strange, kind of like a lost little girl looking for attention.
I have been a little worried about the 'dancing stars' I get around my vision lately, I have been told it is common with migraines, but I never get them when I have a migraine, they just come and go, like there is no pattern to it. It's starting to give me paranoid thoughts about having a brain tumour again, for a while after my Granddad died from a brain tumour I would get a lot of Health Anxiety related to cancer, but I haven't worried about it this much for a long time, I thought I had got myself over that particular anxiety.
Feel like I haven't interacted with a human for a couple of days, would really appreciate some input.

07-09-2013, 02:51 AM
Having a bad time this morning, I'm really not sure why, I have nothing to be anxious about, as far as putting myself in situations I find difficult, I have no plans today.
The past few days I have felt a little down, this morning I feel heavy, emotional, I can't stop shaking and I have constantly got tears in my eyes. I'm trying my best to keep busy and get on with things, but every so often I find myself staring at nothing just feeling strange, kind of like a lost little girl looking for attention.
I have been a little worried about the 'dancing stars' I get around my vision lately, I have been told it is common with migraines, but I never get them when I have a migraine, they just come and go, like there is no pattern to it. It's starting to give me paranoid thoughts about having a brain tumour again, for a while after my Granddad died from a brain tumour I would get a lot of Health Anxiety related to cancer, but I haven't worried about it this much for a long time, I thought I had got myself over that particular anxiety.
Feel like I haven't interacted with a human for a couple of days, would really appreciate some input.

Hi Abi!
Sorry to hear you're not doing well right now!!!
You know, I had the "dancing stars" for 1,5 year and I know it can bring some bad thoughts into your mind, but it comes from the pressure behind your eyes, when you have anxiety you are extreamly alert all the time so that can cause some tension and than..... BAM...
I don't have them anymore... So try to relax your eyes!!!
And no matter how emotional you feel, just smile, keep on smilling.... You don't have to feel happy to smile... Just keep doi it... Try in front of the mirror and give your best smile ever...over and over again.... It sounds silly (I know) ;-) but it really helps!!!

So.... Put a smile on that pretty face!!!!!

Anxious Abi
07-09-2013, 06:01 AM
Thank you Vannie05 you've really put my mind at rest about the 'dancing stars'. I really appreciate the advice.
I saw on a program that putting a pencil in your mouth can activate the smile muscles and make you feel happier too, bit of a lazy way to smile if you ask me, but who knows it might work.