View Full Version : had enough - dizziness while exercising

09-17-2007, 12:42 PM
I've had enough of this. I REALLY need to exercise. It's been keeping me sane for years of battle with anxiety and panic attacks. It distracts me, and all.

But lately I gave up. Even if all I do is a couple of push-ups, I get extremely dizzy and fear of fainting. I have a private gym where I'm alone and it wouldn't be good to faint under a weight when nobody's around.
So, I have increasingly reduced my workout until all it's left is some push-ups and abs. A couple of push-ups sets are enough to make me feel SO UNCONFORTABLE I KNOW I HAVE TO STOP. Sometimes I do, other times I take courage and do two more sets, feeling very bad all the time.

It feels like a sudden change in blood pressure. I feel dizzy and my vision is not very good. I find it difficult to focus on objects and I hate when just ONE eye gets sort of blurry, more than the other - it feels to me like a neurological disorder. Sometimes, I get tinnitus in one year - somebody told me it's a warning you're going to faint. I never fainted at the gym, but I did reduce my workout prominently, in virtue of common sense. But now, even few push-ups are enough to feel terrible.

For an hour or so after experiencing these symptoms, I keep feeling funny, like the circulation in my head isn't going fine, a feeling of pressure in my ears and head. It sucks. Honestly, it sucks. I'd give everything not to feel like this. After an hour, eventually I feel fine again.

I've told doctors. The last one told me to check the heart. Before I do so, probably at least two weeks will pass.
I would like come help for now. Anyone else feeling like this?

All help very appreciated. Thanks.

09-17-2007, 01:49 PM
Are you on any medication? I would say you need to get some tests run to just be on the safe side.

09-17-2007, 08:31 PM
Last week, I had my ... oh i'd say 10th serious panic attack in the last 8 months. Ya you know the whole deal where you feel like your going to die within' the next 10 minutes of a heart attack. Anyhow, In the past 8 months i've been to the Emergency 3 times.... Everytime, they run the same tests... blood test, chest x-ray and ECG... these 3 test combined can tell you pretty much anything about your heart, or if something is abnormal in blow flow/pressure. So maybe, if you haven't already, try and set up something like that... where you run some tests just to rule out any illness.

09-18-2007, 06:48 AM
Thanks for your replies.

Though, a doctor should tell me which tests should be done and a doctor should diagnose me. I can't do that myself, for I'm no doctor, and despite your good recommendations, you can't do that too.

I've done what my doctor told me, and my doctor didn't tell me what I have. He doesn't know.

Still, don't you find HIGHLY IMPROBABLE that my symptoms are just caused by anxiety? Objectively speaking.

09-18-2007, 09:25 PM
You can tell your doctor what tests you'd like to have run. If he can't find anything wrong with you and you're still about to pass out I think you need to see a different doctor.

09-20-2007, 08:26 AM

I think you're worrying too much =)
It's paradoxal, since I've posted first driven by worry looking for comfort. But I understand it's a forum of worriers =)
I felt a bit fainty today, but now I'm better and able to see my situation OBJECTIVELY. Objectively, I MIGHT have something physically, or MIGHT not. Just like anyone.

I have an idea of what I have: labyrinthitis. It affects balance and sight, and I think I have it when I exercise because I do sudden movements that affect my balance system. With push-ups, for example, my head goes up and down quickly.

My doctor asked me to do another complete check-up. I'll do it, just to be 100% sure. It'll also put most of my bad thoughts apart.
But I think I'm pretty healthy. My body is perfectly fine, apart from, maybe, labyrinthitis, and of course, mental fatigue. But what worries me the most, no I don't think I have that, now that I'm ok. That's just fear.

Somebody have experience with labyrinthitis? Few years ago an ear doctor actually diagnosed me of that. But it wasn't that bad.

09-20-2007, 09:01 PM
jeordie.... dont feel bad I know what your going through, Im going to the same thing very close. I have had multiple ekgs, blood tests, echocardiograms, blah blah blah Im actually wearing a event monitor now because my heartrate jumps up to 160 or higher when Im doing any physical activity... it sucks becuase I used to be such a physically active person till I developed whatever the hell is going on with me. But yea my heartrate hits 160+ and stays there when Im doing physical activity and no one call tell me anything, I get the dizziness and the headaches sometimes too... Im at the point where Im about to give up and keep working trying to be physically active becuase I miss the life I had before I developed this.