View Full Version : So i got tested again...

07-08-2013, 04:40 PM
I went to a free hiv testing clinic in Oakland, CA to get a rapid test. It came out negative, which makes me feel better. However, I have never gone to a free clinic for such a test before and am now feeling nervous about sterility and whatnot. I know this is just my health anxiety, but has anyone else used a similar service? Thank you!

07-08-2013, 09:54 PM
I guess the thing that worried me the most was that the woman administering the test collected all of the tools without gloves on and I didn't see her wash her hands. She poked my finger and actually conducted the test with gloves on, but for some reason that initial detail really bothered me. Is this crazy?! For some reason I am having a harder time trusting the validity of this service, which makes me feel awful because I think that free rapid HIV testing is super important to building a healthy community! Please, any thoughts would be nice!

07-09-2013, 01:15 AM
I can't remember what they do for HIV test as it's been a few months since mine. I can't remember if they wore gloves. I have a feeling they didn't actually and I had mine done in a very large hospital. But obviously the tools would be sterilized and unused so there's no real risk of any issues i'm sure.


07-09-2013, 09:40 AM
I wouldn't worry about it. I doubt that would create a false negative, if anything it might give a false positive if her hands were bleeding. Beyond that if she wants to potentially expose herself to HIV that isn't your issue.