View Full Version : Breathing difficulty

07-08-2013, 11:42 AM
Hello everyone,

So tonight yet again I'm seeking advice/help I feel like I'm struggling to breath how do i stop this feeling???!!! This anxiety it driving me nuts at the moment and its getting bad again after i thought I had it under control.

I'm in the process of CBT but it doesn't seem to do a lot at the moment I am pregnant as well so don't want to take meds I might have to go back to have hypno done as this helped last time.

07-08-2013, 12:42 PM
This is my all time worst symptom (aside from pain). I hate it! Deep breaths and time is what helps me.

07-08-2013, 01:09 PM
I have the same issues. Every breath is shallow because if I force a deep breath the anxious feeling gets worse and I get more and more nauseous. So my breaths are shallow and too fast. Deep breaths make it worse for me. I'm dealing with it right now as well.

07-08-2013, 01:21 PM
I have the same issues. Every breath is shallow because if I force a deep breath the anxious feeling gets worse and I get more and more nauseous. So my breaths are shallow and too fast. Deep breaths make it worse for me. I'm dealing with it right now as well.
Me as well. Taking a deep breath makes me worse too. Exhaling is ok, but breathing in is shallow. I've tried the breathing techniques and they don't work for me, unless I'm doing it wrong. :-)

07-08-2013, 01:23 PM
Deep breaths will only make it last longer, and feel worse, what actually does help are slow, but shallow breaths. Normal breathing isn't deep, so deep breathing isn't normal(regardless of what the books tell you)

Instead of trying to fill your diaphragm, try going about half way and hold it for 2-4 seconds. I do this when I feel like I'm having difficulty with my breathing and within a couple minutes it takes my mind completely off of it because it feels normal.

07-08-2013, 01:45 PM
Deep breaths will only make it last longer, and feel worse, what actually does help are slow, but shallow breaths. Normal breathing isn't deep, so deep breathing isn't normal(regardless of what the books tell you)

Instead of trying to fill your diaphragm, try going about half way and hold it for 2-4 seconds. I do this when I feel like I'm having difficulty with my breathing and within a couple minutes it takes my mind completely off of it because it feels normal.

Exactly what makes me feel Better! Right on

07-08-2013, 01:50 PM
I guess everyone is different eh? I think it's the air right now..a lot of it anyway. I know it's a major symptom of anxiety, but here in IL the air quality is horrible this time of year!!

07-08-2013, 03:18 PM
That's true mistiblue.... everything works different for every person. That's what makes the world go round AND makes this so darn hard to deal with!

07-08-2013, 03:57 PM
I guess everyone is different eh? I think it's the air right now..a lot of it anyway. I know it's a major symptom of anxiety, but here in IL the air quality is horrible this time of year!!

Yes, I'm in Missouri! It's pretty nasty