View Full Version : Anxiety/ OCD/ depression

07-07-2013, 09:57 PM
I feel like my life will never be mine. That it'll always be ruled and dominated by my anxiety and ocd. When I do have good times, it lasts maybe a month or so, and then my anxiety comes back full force. It will usually be a new issue, that i worry about constantly. I always believe if i solve this problem, that i will be able to be happy again but no, then something new will come along that i worry about.

This has led me to depression many times. The people around me think I'm too difficult to be around due to my way of thinking. I dont have many understanding people around me. I feel very alone. I wish i could turn it off, like a light switch, but i cant.

I don't know how to not worry. My mind feels like its not wired to work that way. I don't remember the last time i've lived without a specific worry that plagued my mind. I don't even know if its possible. I start therapy again on the 15th of this month. I was with a different therapist from 2006-2008. It helped some but still suffer this roller coaster of good and bad times. Mostly bad times.

My first bad episode was the fear of catching a disease (my mind focused on aids). I felt that i needed to wash my hands constantly. Even things in my home were in my mind, contaminated. I think I was up to 200 handwashings a day. I couldn't stop. I felt that if i did, something terrible would happen and I would catch something. My hands cracked and bled. They got so bad I couldn't even make a fist because the skin was so tight and tender.

It took about 6 months for that to go away. And now i no longer do this. But of course, now i have new fears. I fear chemicals, and im deathly scared of parasites. Why does my mind focus on so many negative aspects? I wish I could be like others, who don't worry unless something actually happens, unlike me, who worries before it happens. I feel like my mind will make me feel the pain and worry as if it actually did happen to me... so that i could cope with it in case it does. If that makes sense.

But above all, Im tired of feeling alone with this.