View Full Version : How I completely recovered from Anxiety and fear
07-07-2013, 10:43 PM
Hello dear anxiety sufferers, I used to suffer from anxiety (GAD, Health, OCD) and excessive fear until I recovered three to four months ago... before I tell you nice folks how I did it I just want to list to you all the symptoms physical and mental that I met in my journey, those used to freak me out so much:
P.S: believe me, I got symptoms I'm sure no one else in the world got! :D
Physical Symtomps:
. Lump in throat
. Difficulty swallowing
. Throat pain
. Losing the ability to produce certain sounds (especially high pitched ones) through my throat
. Difficulty speaking as though my mouth or tongue were heavy
. GERD/acidity in the stomach and throat
. Sore vocal cords (due to acidity)
. Tooth pain (due to acidity)
. Tense muscles
. Tense jaw
. Tense neck and shoulders
. Finding myself unconsciously lifting one or the two of my shoulders up to my ears and tensing them
. Finding myself unconsciously opening my eyes until they hurt as if I saw a ghost
. Random pains in fingers, toes, legs, arms, muscles, feet, hands, back, neck, shoulders and stomach.
. Random burning sensations in random skin places or scalp
. Tense skull
. Headaches
. The need to pee lots of time a day
. Dry mouth
. Dry tongue
. Getting an acidic taste or a metalic taste in mouth
. Dizziness
. Hot flashes
. Cold flashes
. Chills
. Cramps in different parts of the body
. Eyelid pain or soreness as if I hadn't slept for months
. Eye pain or discomfort when looking at light
. Feeling like I had ALOT of energy, making me enable to relax
. Feeling VERY tired
. Seeing black dots or white dots everywhere
. Missing heartbeats
. Pounding heart
. Heart feels like it's coming out of my mouth or my chest
. Tight chest
. Alot of yawning
. Hyperventilating
. Light headed
. Unexplained weight loss
. Alot of sweating for no reason
. Tight ribs and ribcage
. Clicking sounds in the mouth when speaking
. Feeling ill without really being ill
. Random zaps (like small electric shocks) in different body parts
. Blurry vision
. Random numbness in different parts of the body that can last for days
. Twitching in the eyes, legs, feet...
. Bitting or grinding my teeth together when asleep
. Jittering
. Shortness of breath
. Nausea
. Gas, belching and other stomach induced problems
. Seeing things that aren't there in the corner of the eye like stars, small spiders, insects or random dots
And many more...
Now for the mental and psychological symptoms:
. Fear of dying
. Fear of having an undetected illness
. Even after I made sure I had no illness, the simple thought that such illnesses existed made me anxious
. Irrational thoughts
. Fear that I'm going to do harm to myself or my loved ones and family
. Mixing up words, difficulty finishing sentences and mispronouncing things when speaking and writing on computer
. Fear about my heart
. Fear about having cancer or tumors
. Fear about having a stroke
. Fear of losing control or going crazy
. Fear of the simple fact that I have a mental illness
. Feeling of impending doom
. Feeling overwhelmed for no reason
. Clumsiness
. Talking with myself inside my head
. Fear of being alone
. Fear of change of routine
. Fear that I will live all my life like this
. Fear that I will not be able to enjoy future events that I normally enjoy
. Afraid of everything
. Altered state of reality
. Strange Deja vu's
. Depersonalization
. Derealization
. Feeling unreal or detached from other people and the world around you
. Constantly checking how I am feeling at the moment
. Short term memory loss
. Apprehension and feeling like you should be ready to fight the anxiety attacks all the time
. Sadness
. Fearing about your loved ones
. Fearing that your loved ones might get anxiety and suffer like you do
. Fearing that your loved ones will get sad or worried about you so you have to fake happiness and calm
. Feeling an atmosphere that makes you feel a mix between sadness, fear and hopelessness
. Random images that pop into your head, images of recent or very old dreams or even images of places you went to when you were young etc...
. Feeling a lot worse in the morning
. Remembering your dreams in a very clear manner, which makes it a little bit disturbing
. Crazy, strange and scary dreams
. Afraid of going to sleep
. What if questions popping into your mind
. Fearing that if you didn't do a certain thing, something bad will happen to you or your loved ones
. Fear of failure
. Imagining a future where you still cannot deal with anxiety
And many more...
That's it for today, tomorrow I will make a post in this thread about how I recovered from all of these challenges without running away from them or by trying to change the way I live (diets, sports...)
See you tomorrow folks! In the meantime I would like you guys to read my list of symptoms that I suffered from antell me if you spotted a symptom that you thought no one but you had.
Hi dakakz
I read your post. Please go ahead and tell about how you recovered all problema
Thank you good luck
07-12-2013, 01:55 PM
Yes, please tell us!
Good post,like to hear what you say next
07-12-2013, 04:29 PM
I'm desperate to recover from anxiety more then anything I'm feeling very lost and lonely scared to tell anyone my anxiety is slowly returning dont want people to feel let down. I look forward to the next post.
07-17-2013, 09:54 PM
I recovered too. I had all the symptoms you mentioned, but I was also tormented by intrusive thoughts. My intrusive thoughts would get so bad, and sometimes would turn on me. They would criticize and put me down in every way possible. My anxiety got so bad I started hearing things as well. At the time I thought it was other things, such as demons/ghosts, but it was all me. The thing is paranormal things is my biggest fear, so my anxiety manifested into the things I fear the most. I thought that I had to bless the house to protect it. I thought different things that happened had alternative meanings. For example, the ice cream truck means something terrible is going to happen. It was strange. Like all of us I lost my sense of reality. But Eventually I learned to dismiss all these things. I had the anxiety for two years and now I'm fully recovered and willing to help others.
07-18-2013, 06:28 PM
If I had a dollar every time you mentioned a symptom that I had as well, I would have many dollars. The fear of going crazy and thinking you have to do or say things a certain way or something terrible will happen is the scariest for me. Mine jumps from one major health anxiety to another for example I worry about high blood pressure then when that calms down it moves to low blood pressure then high blood sugar to low blood sugar to lump in throat to something hung in throat to stomach pain to rib pain to cancer thoughts and worries to back and neck pain. I never have a relaxing moment to have NOTHING worrisome on mind . Please give me advise please!!!!
07-18-2013, 07:41 PM
Yes.. I am very curious to hear how you recovered..
07-20-2013, 09:41 PM
Soooo, are you going to tell us? We're all pretty ANXIOUS to hear your story
Slammed Vdub
07-20-2013, 09:47 PM
Soooo, are you going to tell us? We're all pretty ANXIOUS to hear your story
Haha, i see what you did there.
07-20-2013, 09:47 PM
Been a waiting myself
07-20-2013, 09:55 PM
Been a waiting myself
I think he's playing on our anxiousness by NOT providing his secret. Well played, well played
07-20-2013, 10:42 PM
Well, did anyone else have an orgasm? I didn't.
07-21-2013, 12:35 AM
I am sitting here - crying my eyes out right now - because A LOT of these symptoms are mine. A LOT OF THEM!! I have been suffering from Anxiety for so long now and if there is another way (other than all these medications the doc's keep trying to give me) - - please share! I am willing to do anything!!!
07-21-2013, 12:37 AM
If you can help - please do! I dont know about others but Im pretty sure most will agree that if ANYTHING will work, it will be tried!
07-21-2013, 12:47 AM
I am sitting here - crying my eyes out right now - because A LOT of these symptoms are mine. A LOT OF THEM!! I have been suffering from Anxiety for so long now and if there is another way (other than all these medications the doc's keep trying to give me) - - please share! I am willing to do anything!!!
Why won't you take the medication? Not saying you can't recover without it, but it sure made things a lot easier for me.
07-21-2013, 05:11 AM
What a tease!
07-21-2013, 07:03 AM
WOW! This guy says how he recovered then lists 100 symptoms but nothing about how he recovered. This is the most ridiculous post ever! Just read my threads above and you will recover.
07-21-2013, 10:37 PM
Why won't you take the medication? Not saying you can't recover without it, but it sure made things a lot easier for me.
Because I dont want to be on them forever. A lot of them are addictive - a lot of them have horrible side effects. Im willing to go through the hard parts completely - when I beat this, I can give myself full credit (along with all the support I have been given by friends, online friends and family)
07-21-2013, 10:52 PM
Because I dont want to be on them forever. A lot of them are addictive - a lot of them have horrible side effects. Im willing to go through the hard parts completely - when I beat this, I can give myself full credit (along with all the support I have been given by friends, online friends and family)
I understand. Yes, many of them are addictive, but many of them are not. I have no plans to stay on them forever. With or without meds, I think ANYONE who beats anxiety can give themselves full credit. Each of us has a different path to that goal since there's no set-in-stone treatment for a full recovery. I wish you all the best on your journey to healing. If you can do it without meds, then kudos to you.
07-21-2013, 11:45 PM
Anxietyforum's biggest troll yet.
07-21-2013, 11:51 PM
Anxietyforum's biggest troll yet.
Agreed. How obnoxious to post such a grandstanding thread, promise to share some magic recovery the following day, then just disappear.
07-25-2013, 09:45 PM
Thank you!
And youre right - not everyone can do it without meds. I am not doing it completely alone - - I am just choosing a more holistic approach. Some days are defiantly better than others but I am already crossing major bridges! - I havent been able to leave my own town limits for such a long time without going into full blown panic mode - - but the other day, without medication (which before I needed medication) - I drove 4.5 away from my house - up a mountain and was able to see some sights that just 6 months ago I wouldnt have been able to see!! Then I drove 4.5 hours back home in the dark - - got a little nervous towards the middle of the drive but just reminded myself of how great I did - that I got through it and had an amazing time. My anxiety seemed to go away and I got home safely.
Now I understand that Im going to have better days and worse days - - but I think I have the tools and the strong mind to get through. I totally appreciate sites like this that offer people that know what Im going through and that can offer me acceptance and support. Having SAD is a life changing deal - and people who dont have it (or something like it) dont understand that simple things (like driving 4.5 hours away from home) is a huge deal!!
Everyday Im getting better - getting closer to where I want to be. Thank you for your feedback and I also wish the best to you on your journey!
08-03-2013, 05:08 PM
I'm back! :]
I'm so sorry for disappearing for such a long time, I tend to be very busy especially in summer.
I assure you guys that I'm not a troll... I cannot even imagine myself trolling and playing with people who suffer everyday from anxiety and fear like I used to... again, I'm so sorry.
First things first, I would like for you guys to know that it is impossible to beat anxiety if you use any of these methods:
1. Trying to use logic when arguing with your fear
2. Arguing with your fear and thoughts in any way
3. Using meds that will reduce your anxiety level
4. Using any means to give yourself a peace of mind (example: going to the doctor so he can tell you that you don't have a certain disease or talking to your friend or a family member so they can assure you that there is nothing wrong with you etc...)
5. Trying to tell yourself that anxiety isn't scary or that you have nothing wrong with you (it kinda falls into the same category as arguing with your anxiety)
You have to avoid doing all of these things in order to beat anxiety, and now for the secret of beating anxiety:
Anxiety wants you to fear it or even if you don't fear it, it wants you to fear something (diseases, thoughts, feelings...) so what you have to do is to do what it wants you to do: FEAR WHATEVER IT WANTS YOU TO FEAR! You have to give up to anxiety, and by giving up I'm not talking about saying to yourself "I can't possibly beat anxiety so I give up" because this type of thinking will temporarily remove the responsibility of dealing with anxiety from your shoulders, and we don't want that because if you want to beat anxiety you will have to avoid ANY type of thinking, place or situation that can give you any positivity, peace of mind or assurance.
By giving up I mean you should do what the Anxiety wants you to do, if anxiety wants you to worry that you have a certain illness, then you should let yourself continuously worry about having that illness without doing anything that might relieve you or assure you that you don't have anything, you have to continue feeling the fear of having that illness and keep being worried, stressed and sad that you might have it without going to see a doctor or doing anything that will give you a peace of mind... even if the anxiety wants you to feel that this time IT IS true, that you might actually HAVE an illness and you have to go quickly to a doctor so he can check it out.
You must keep doing this until the anxiety goes away. note that it will be persistent and will not give up that easily and will actually add more scary and mysterious symptoms while you are facing/feeling your anxiety in order to make you succumb and seek help and reassurance... what you should do in this situation is allow yourself to get continuously scared and anxious by these new symptoms but DON'T seek help or do anything that might reassure you.
Another thing: If there is a place or situation that makes you scared or anxious you must expose yourself to it so you can get scared more and more.
Basically what you need to do is to try to make yourself anxious and scared of whatever the anxiety wants you to be scared of, continue being scared without reassuring yourself, googling for reassurance etc...
Sometimes the anxious person will do small and unnoticed things to prove to HIMSELF that he is alright, for exemple: one of the symptoms of anxiety is that it makes you have trouble moving your tongue/mouth and makes it kinda difficult to pronounce things or to speak... when someone is anxious about this symptom he may begin to get scared that this is some serious illness or that he will forever live with this symptom or that it will worsen so sometimes without much thinking he will find himself doing "tests" to reassure himself, like speaking with a relative or a friend to prove to himself that he can still speak normally and that it was just an illusion... The problem is that it may work at relieving him at that moment, but the anxiety WILL manifest itself in another way and that's why you will have to avoid even doing those small "tests" that will temporarily relieve you.
Some of you might ask why I mentioned that people cannot fully recover if they used meds, well it is because meds will weaken the power of the anxiety and lower the stress and that is a thing we don't want because with meds you will never feel the full power of anxiety and as such it will never go away.
Anything that makes you less scared needs to go away and this includes medications.
A lot of people tend to think that if they find a solution or reassurance to whatever is making them anxious and scared that they have succesfully dealt a little bit with anxiety, but they are wrong... they are just moving the anxiety from one subject to another and if you continue to deal with it like this, it will never go away.
An example of this would be if someone was anxious and scared because when he is standing in the kitchen with his mother, his mind will continuously tell him that he will uncontrollably grab the kitchen knife and kill his mom... what will he do now unfortunately is that he is going to research what is wrong with him, he will go to google and write about his symptoms and will find out that it is all just anxiety and that there is no actual risk that he might snap and do terrible things to his loved ones and when he reads this he will feel relief at that moment, but little did he know that the anxiety will manifest itself on another subject and it will come with the same intensity.
Half a day or one day later he will find himself worrying that he might be having a serious illness because of a sudden headache he got... so he gets anxious and scared and a part of him tells him that it's a brain tumor or a stroke while another part of him will try to calm him down by "proving" to himself that he doesn't have an illness with thoughts like ""there is a small chance that you might have a serious condition some days/weeks/months after you discoverd you had anxiety"" but it won't work for him as he starts to get the famous "What If" thoughts telling him things like "What if you just have some very bad luck and you REALLY have some serious illness that you got coincidentally after you got anxious" so he will succumb to the desire for reassurance will google his headache symptoms, he will find that it can actually be from anxiety but it can also be something serious, so he goes to the doctor who finally reassures him that he has nothing which will tamporarily give him peace of mind before the anxiety goes to something else... you get the picture!
Anxiety is like a person who spits in the ground you are cleaning, so you go to clean the spit from the ground but as you are close to cleaning it that person (the anxiety) will spit in another spot while laughing as he watches you crawl to clean that other spot, and as you are about to finish cleaning that spot he spits in another etc...
Anxiety makes you fear something and as you torment yourself by searching for reassurance, it will give you another thing just as scary as the previous etc... it will never end if you continue to search for reassurance or peace of mind! You have to go through the worse and the scariest feelings and thoughts anxiety can give you and resist the urge to seek help while continuing to make yourself even MORE scared of the things it wants you to get scared of, no matter how hard it is and no matter how long! You must reach the point where you don't even feel like you are a real person, feel miserable, scared, sad, detached and wish to keep feeling that even when you have the means and ways to temporarily reassure yourself or calm yourself. (which you will have to avoid)
Even if you are forgetting about your anxiety and you find yourself chatting with people or enjoying TV, remind yourself of it and of how scary your problems and thoughts are.
Trust me, this may be the hardest way to deal with anxiety as you will feel like you are going through hell, but it is the only way to beat anxiety FOREVER. it worked on me when nothing else I tried did, and my older brother who went through anxiety (GAD, Manic, OCD, PTSD) for 14 years has finally beaten it without any medications with this method.
I now am forever anxiety free me and my old brother thanks to the one method of living through the worse anxiety can bring... I can eat whatever I want, exercise whenever I want or not exercise at all, laugh, talk, sleep whenever I want... all thanks to this one method I talked about.
For Info here are some popular methods that supposedly help with anxiety, I tried all of these when I was still a beginner and searched for reassurance and help, needless to say that they didn't work :
. Medications
. Changing my diet
. Exercising
. Trying to not think about anxiety
. Trying to picture anxiety as something not scary
. Trying to distract myself from anxiety
. Trying to hang out more with friends and family so I don't think of anxiety
In the next post I will write my exact story with anxiety, how I lived with it day by day and week by week until I discoverd the method above.
And I will gladly respond to any questions you nice people have, feel free to ask me anything, tell me about your problems and I will do my best to guide you guys and tell you what to do exactly. :]
I went through hell with this method above, but I'm now living in heaven and you will have to do the same to live in heaven.
P.S: I don't know if it is okay to post links to other websites in this forum because I want to post a link to a site where a person talks about how this method worked for him and he has thousands of people who are now anxiety free thanking him for teaching them this method.
That's all for today, go ahead if you want to ask me anything. ;]
08-03-2013, 05:36 PM
can you pm me a link?
08-03-2013, 05:41 PM
Not sure this method will work for everyone... But maybe.
I've suffered panic attacks for 18 yrs on and off I can think I have illnesses ect but at the begging of my panic attacks ther was no google and I avoid doctors so even if I thote I had an illness I wouldn't go doctors or talk about it so I can't see how this method would work for me nice method but I knw I've dne that nd I'm still here and still having bouts of anxiety and depression nor av I took meds in that time either
08-03-2013, 05:53 PM
can you pm me a link?
I can't, the forum says I need to have 10 points or something to PM you. :/
Not sure this method will work for everyone... But maybe.
Why are you doubting it without trying it ?
08-03-2013, 05:55 PM
I've suffered panic attacks for 18 yrs on and off I can think I have illnesses ect but at the begging of my panic attacks ther was no google and I avoid doctors so even if I thote I had an illness I wouldn't go doctors or talk about it so I can't see how this method would work for me nice method but I knw I've dne that nd I'm still here and still having bouts of anxiety and depression nor av I took meds in that time either
Answer me some of this question please:
What do you do when you are anxious/afraid of something ?
08-03-2013, 06:00 PM
I can't, the forum says I need to have 10 points or something to PM you. :/
Why are you doubting it without trying it ?
Everyone's anxiety disorder and associated illnesses are all different and respond to different types of methods.
Evidence based practice shows us that certain therapies working for anxiety regardless of opinion objection.
Interesting post though
Answer me some of this question please:
What do you do when you are anxious/afraid of something ?
I tend to ride it out talk and distract my self or if its fearing going out and panicking I still go out and panic any way but I've still gone out
08-03-2013, 06:12 PM
I learnt all that at CBT and it does work that's how I got over anxiety a year ago I'm finding it hard this time to get rid if it my Heath anxiety and depression its become really bad
08-03-2013, 06:17 PM
I tend to ride it out talk and distract my self or if its fearing going out and panicking I still go out and panic any way but I've still gone out
This part is why I believe you didn't actually understand my post sis. :/
This part is why I believe you didn't actually understand my post sis. :/
I understand u said let ur anxiety cum to u let it do its worst feel everything it has to offer and see how far u can take it
08-03-2013, 06:35 PM
If you continue to distract yourself, ride it out and such things... it will never go away sis. :/
If you continue to distract yourself, ride it out and such things... it will never go away sis. :/
I knw anxiety reminds me of smoke receptors in ur brain they die temporarily but like smoke receptors u have that first drag and bang the little devils are back and away u are smiling again anxiety die then fear stress sumut shity happens in ur life then bang the little horrible devils are back tormenting ur brain body and thoughts
I knw anxiety reminds me of smoke receptors in ur brain they die temporarily but like smoke receptors u have that first drag and bang the little devils are back and away u are smiling again anxiety die then fear stress sumut shity happens in ur life then bang the little horrible devils are back tormenting ur brain body and thoughts
Smoking not smiling this fne :/
08-03-2013, 07:20 PM
This is called exposure therapy. It does work. I did the same and after 5 full blown, horrendous panic attacks, my anxiety lightened appreciably. It's not easy or pleasant, though. Make sure you are ready to experience hell.
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