View Full Version : Anxiety and alcohol

09-17-2007, 01:57 AM
Does anyone else on this forums suffer with the on the edge feeling after a night of drinking alcohol?
I keep putting myself through this vicious cycle and just cant seem to get off.
I really need some advice on this.
Please help

09-17-2007, 02:44 AM
Hey dolphin, yeah i feel pretty much the same way after drinking alchol. It got to the point for me where ive just stopped drinking unless i really need to. The toughest part of it for me wasn't the need to drink to get away from my anxiety but being 20 thats just what alot of my friends do. The reason alchol makes use feel this way is b/c it effects the central nervous system. So theres really no easy way around this feeling unless you stop drinking. If you can try to decrease the amount you drink and take some vitamins to counter act the depletion that alchol takes on your system. I think that alchol depletes choline and inositol but im not 100% on that. So try to get a good b-complex vit to counteract that
take care, john

09-17-2007, 10:22 AM
I too suffer from this vicious cycle of drinking to get rid of anxiety and then suffering the next day. As i write this am hungover and feeling anxious , i want to stop and end this madness. I feel like its groundhog day and that everyday is the same as the day before. Maybe we can band together and talk and help each other to get through this?


09-17-2007, 12:09 PM
I too feel this way sometimes the day after I've been drinking. Not always, but sometimes, I hate it. :(

09-17-2007, 02:11 PM
If anyone wants to contact me via AIM OR YAHOO when your feeling crappy and stressed please let me know! We have to get together and find common ground sop we can kick this anxiety in the ass and let go of it. STAY POSITIVE EVERYONE!


09-18-2007, 01:58 AM
Hey Marko i like the idea. So far i haven't talked to anyone w/ anxiety over aim.. guess i never thought about it. Ill check to see if my account is still working or make another. Maybe we could set a time and try to get a group chat going?
Also im going to be posting or emailing out a cbt course that has been an immense help to me. I noticed that u said "stay positive" and "let go of it" which are two of the big theme's of the course. If you'd be interested check out my thread.
Take care, John

09-18-2007, 02:33 PM
I self medicated my anxiety for a long time and I easily attribute half of my problem to drinking. Quit drinking for 3 months and see how you feel.


09-19-2007, 03:37 AM
Certainly, people drink alcohol on purpose for some reasons only known to themselves. It's so natural. Some resort to alcohol to remedy stress and depress. I can't tell you that is true.

As for myself, drinking alcohol (beer) occasionally at moderate amount is a pleasure. Yeah, I know my limit. So often, I would call my close friends to join me. In this case, I shoot two birds with one stone- enjoy beer as well as socializing with friends. We ought to remember, "NO MAN IS AN ISLAND". so, the end result is of course FRESH AND REJUVENATED.

09-19-2007, 12:04 PM
Everyone is effected by different things in their own way, some can drink, some cannot. Some can have caffeine, some cannot. Although after a night of drinking I can't recall ever having felt fresh and rejuvenated, if it doesn't bother you, do what you feel is best.


09-19-2007, 05:54 PM
You are right Rich.

No offense intended.
