View Full Version : Anxiety over Neighbours

07-07-2013, 06:28 PM
Hi! I’m new to this so I apologise if your reading this and it’s a bit long winded but I don’t know what to do so was hoping someone could maybe help or have a suggestion of what I can do.

Myself and my girlfriend moved into a nice house with our little boy who is coming up for 2 now.

This really started last Friday, start of the summer holidays. My neighbours have 3 kids the oldest being about 11ish the mum lives with her boyfriend. We have been living here a year and not had any problems with them or there kids or the neighbourhood in general. We live on the outskirts of a residential area so its fairly quiet as we are the last house before some fields. I keep to myself, we have 2 dogs and one of them barks at people and I always tell her to shut up because I don’t want to upset anyone even tho 2 doors up from us the dog barks at all hours 7am 11pm 1am and I mean a proper bark its head off for the sake of it type of dog. Still I keep mine quiet when I can. We basically keep ourselves to ourselves.

But last Friday we didn’t have our wee boy as he was at his grans. Next door have visitors mainly the bf’s brother and his 3 kids. They came in the garden about 10 times that night getting there footballs back, I say footballs because ive been out and found 4 balls in the garden and that’s literally 10 mins after I gave them one back. It was getting on my nerves because we have the dogs in the kitchen barking there heads of every time they come in. At one point one of them who I call the problem child was in my garden on top of my shed I opened the door and shouted what you playing at? Stay out the garden he said sorry and ran out. When they were still coming in at 10:15pm I wouldn’t be happy if I had my wee boy in bed sleeping. So after that, the problem child who is the BF’s brothers kid must of stayed over. Well the balls kept coming over. I went out a couple of times when I was out for a smoke and asked the problem child to stop kicking them over his response “it wasn’t me it was him” pointing to the youngest one of the kids. The fence is like 7 ft so its hardly easy to kick over.

Well later that afternoon one of them came in the garden again to get a ball and I had my wee boy sleeping so the dogs were barking I went out and I wasn’t in a good mood at this point. My neighbour was standing there with the problem childs mother and said to me “Think your going to have to turn into Mr Nasty” as I was going down the steps the dogs barked again and I screamed SHUT UP very aggressively, I do have quite a bad temper. I heard one of them say oh dear! I gave the youngest who was in my garden the ball back. I said to my neighbour I’ve got my wee boy sleeping and the problem child was at the back fence and said Sorry. After this it was fine. The visitors were there the Friday and Saturday night til late, then came Monday…

I was in the living room and saw the problem child running through the garden I was thinking seriously how many times do I need to tell him. So a small time later I was standing at the back door when he came running round the corner and started climbing the fence. He was the fence when he spotted me, I said what you doing? He said sorry (see the theme there?) I said, what did I tell you on Saturday? Stay out the garden! “I’m not in your garden” I said I just fn saw you (my temper appearing again) he denied it again. Coz I was swearing he said “im getting my dad im not having you swearing at me” so he went to get his dad, I’ve never met him or even spoken to him but I thought aww naw here we go. There not the classiest family put it that way. Not that im one to judge but every 4th word in a sentence is the F word! There rough to say the least. I thought this isn’t going to end well. Surprisingly I used to get such a anxiety feeling at the thought of confrontation but I didn’t this time which was surprising. I just had thoughts flashing through my head of what could happen what am I going to do.

He went in the house told his dad referring to me as the speccy guy and I heard him reply, “I told you stay out of the garden” and he didn’t come out. So the boy came out and I asked is he not coming out? He said no, I said is he there? Get him. The mum came out, I apologised for swearing at the boy, not the best approach in retrospect. Explained to her about the weekend him being on the shed being in the garden like 15 times (which he wasn’t actually as there were different ones running in) how he was on the shed. Well she said im sorry, he will get a clip round the ear bla bla bla all the while the angel is in the background denying everything chipping in NO I WASN’T, I WASN’T I SWEAR ON MY WEE COUSINS LIFE and spat at the ground. One of them said apologise to him “IM NOT APOLOGISING TO HIM” as he’s stropping away. I know straight away he wasn’t going to get a clip round the ear. I’ve saw him a few weeks ago at the back of midnight standing on my fence throwing something at my neighbours back window and the father said nothing. Another time he had put the ball in my garden I threw it back over he was further down the road playing with a bat and ball and shouted thank you. I ignored him I was staring at him coz I wasn’t 100% what he had said. Then the dad and the boyfriend came out and got in the car and drove away and asked if he was coming. He threw the bat and ball over my garden into theirs and they said nothing. You can see a theme developing here don’t you?

Since then I have felt so much anxiety about the situation. I have a sinking feeling when I see their car parked at the back. I keep getting sweaty palms and feet, a funny feeling in my stomach like fear. I cant stop watching them when there outside of window. Ive seen him running through various gardens, climbing on peoples sheds. Generally being cheeky, but they have stayed out my garden as far as Im aware. However they were playing football on the grass bit beside my house and kicked the ball off the fence and ive discovered tonight there’s 1 of the planks smashed in 2 bits. Now this fence is like 7 foot but its horizontal so its easy to climb. Its easier on the other for them to climb coz there’s a big gap with only a board up to stop the dogs going into there garden they find this easy to climb over.

Well they have been here visiting every night for the past week nearly bar one day when they left in the afternoon. Last night was ridiculous. I was keeping looking out for them, its part of my anxiety. They turned up at 10pm. The kids were left out (you see the other theme? They basically sit in the house and leave the kids to do what they want) and they were playing football for a bit then started running about the place screaming and shouting.

There was 4 of them last night at the back fence who must have put something into my garden coz I could see the problem child about to climb the back fence. Problem child doesn’t seem to understand how a gate door works. One of the other boys was saying it looks like theres no one in just go get it! So because my wee boy was asleep I went out for a smoke thinking they’ll ask me to get it if they have that way the dogs don’t start barking and wake my boy up. But I stood/sat there, nothing I just heard the problem child say something about Harry Potter clearly referring to me and my glasses again, he has a future in comedy.

They were running all over next doors garden up on his shed jumping of it onto bins. At one point 2 drunk guys past and one said something to one of the boys and the problem child shouted “SHUT IT PAL” I was praying the guy would come back and smack him one but sadly not. Well this went on for a while and at 11:30 PM ykno near enough MIDNIGHT the boyfriend told them to keep it down or they will have to come in…. did they listen? Answers on a postcard. They left not long after.

As I have been writing this a car pulled up at half 10 at my back gate where they normally park. I was thinking you are actually having a laugh but luckily it was the kids that lived there’s Dad dropping them off. But still I had that feeling of dread.

All week I’ve been feeling it I even had a look at the symptoms of anxiety on various websites, now I’m not a hypochondriac by any means but I’ve had, diarrhoea/constipation, a low sex drive, sweating, the feeling of fear/doom whatever you want to call it. I keep having lots of What If? Thoughts mainly if the problem child smashes a window, because I seen him kick a football off next doors shed last night aimed at the house, I think it was a foam ball but still I could see him doing it with a proper one. He just kicks them any direction. Even seen him just kick it straight into my garden. What if he hit’s the Car? I saw him on Friday kick a ball over my garden it bounced of the shed and bounced over another car. He clearly has no respect for other peoples property at all.

I keep thinking what would happen when, they smash a window that’s a given the parents would get involved however my temper would prob get the better of me. They hit the car? I just think what can you do go out and say something? They don’t listen! Say something to the parents? May aswell talk to a plant! Then if you do say something to the kids I think they will just do something anyway to be nasty.

I really don’t know what to do but this anxiety is really ruining my life just now, I cant stop thinking about things with the neighbours, I keep looking out the window for their car. I really feel stuck like there’s no solutions or things I can do because its not as if they even live here.

If anyone has any suggestions to what I can do to relieve this feeling at all can you let me know or even any advice…..

My girlfriend says at the end of the day their just kids which is right they are but I don’t know why this is really getting to me so much. It just really annoys me how parents cant keep there kids under control or even teach them some respect.

07-07-2013, 06:53 PM
Have the same types of problems . I won't even go outside. The grandparents across the street raise all the grandchildren and still their children . They are very rude and I feel a prisoner in my own home. I get worked up every time I see them, and one of them purposely stares and try's to get me pissed off. I got anxious just reading your thread. I just wanna be left alone, but it ain't happening. :(

07-08-2013, 02:48 AM
Yea I feel the same, I try to avoid the problem child when I can. It's ridiculous because he's 12 year old but I just keep thinking ill lose the head then it'll kick off with the parents. I shouldn't have to deal with other people's kids when they don't even live there it's not my job to keep them under control but I can't see what I can do.

I normally don't give a monkeys about anything but this is really getting to me.