View Full Version : Don't know what to do ):

07-07-2013, 12:36 PM
So for several months now I have been feeling like I'm going to die as sad as it sounds. My symptoms are chest pressure, shortness of breath & palpitations.
I've had numerous studies done; stress test, echo, Ekg, Bloodwork, X-ray, 24hr holter all which come back clear.
Both my cardi and GP said its anxiety but some how I can't accept it and still think I have something more severe /: .
I do accept I'm a hypochondriac though.
Whenever I feel something I search the web and think the worst.
I'm 21 extremely healthy, exercise everyday but now even when I exercise I experience a racing heart and stuff /:

07-07-2013, 01:01 PM
So for several months now I have been feeling like I'm going to die as sad as it sounds. My symptoms are chest pressure, shortness of breath & palpitations.
I've had numerous studies done; stress test, echo, Ekg, Bloodwork, X-ray, 24hr holter all which come back clear.
Both my cardi and GP said its anxiety but some how I can't accept it and still think I have something more severe /: .
I do accept I'm a hypochondriac though.
Whenever I feel something I search the web and think the worst.
I'm 21 extremely healthy, exercise everyday but now even when I exercise I experience a racing heart and stuff /:

I have the same issue as you and been to a cardiologist for all of the same testing and told I was fine. I have also had all the bloodwork come back normal as well. I also am a hypochondriac as well and I google and freak out too. I don't exercise though ;( because it makes my heart race and then I panic. I'm only 105 pounds but I REALLY want to exercise as my doctor says that if I exercised every day my anxiety will go away... Who knows though.

07-07-2013, 01:20 PM
I have the same issue as you and been to a cardiologist for all of the same testing and told I was fine. I have also had all the bloodwork come back normal as well. I also am a hypochondriac as well and I google and freak out too. I don't exercise though ;( because it makes my heart race and then I panic. I'm only 105 pounds but I REALLY want to exercise as my doctor says that if I exercised every day my anxiety will go away... Who knows though.

Im glad to know we're not alone on this.
Yeah it's a scary thing once the heart starts racing
I still manage to exercise lightly given the fact that I'm a natural bodybuilder
I've been exercising for 4+ years
And now this is ruining the thing I love to do the most /:
Are you on any meds?

07-07-2013, 01:27 PM
I completely understand. My experience with meds..... I was prescribed Zoloft back in 2011 when this all started and I had a bad reaction and therefore never took it or anything again. Until recently I decided that I needed something cause I have daily anxiety but I'm breast feeding so my doctor wouldn't prescribe me anything... However he finally gave in and prescribed me Vistaril but I very rarely take it as it makes me very drowsy and loopy feeling. You?

07-09-2013, 05:16 PM
I have the same exact feelings. I am definitely a hypochondriac and have major health anxiety. When I exercise and can feel my heart rate go up it freaks me out and its horrible because I love to exercise. Did the heart tests including halter monitor and I was surprised when the dr said I was fine! They tried putting me on Wellbutrin but it made me feel worse. Now they want me to try lexapro but I'm afraid of the side effects. I take xanex when needed an it helps tremendously but dr won't let me take it every day as it is so addictive. Ughh..glad to know I'm not alone.

07-09-2013, 07:57 PM
I take Lexapro and it has helped tremendously. I haven't experienced any side effects. The palpitations, feeling short of breath, etc. have subsided and are much less frequent. As with all SRI meds, it takes about 10 to 14 days to really feel the benefits. Many GPs will prescribe more immediate-acting meds to take in the interim like Xanax or Klonopin. Those are more habit-forming and are meant for short-term use, except in extreme cases. I took those as well until the Lexapro kicked in. Honestly, even taking a half or a quarter of a Xanax really helped calm me down. Mostly, it just made me drowsy. Which is ultimately a much nicer feeling than heart palpitations. Best of luck. Hope you feel better soon. Try to keep your mind occupied with anything other than your physical symptoms. And don't do Google searches on your symptoms, either! A lot of sites will pronounce you catastrophically ill...feeding the cycle of worry.

07-09-2013, 10:01 PM
Up........................... up................ top !!!!!!!!!!