View Full Version : Trouble emoting

07-07-2013, 10:00 AM
Hi all,
I just want to see if anyone is feeling the same thing. I recently got into a relationship, a real good one. I like this girl alot and she likes me. We get each others humor and get along GREAT. That is, when I am feeling myself. Well this last week has taken a number on me. I am feeling anxious depressed and irritable. I am needing my distance to calm my nerves but I feel like I am making her feel like I dont want to see her.

I told her last night that I was in a weird mood lately and its not her fault, but while we were in bed she brought it up. "Are you in a bad mood because you're scared of me?" I told her that its nothing she did or anything I did, I just FEEL this way.

The thing is, when we kiss I don't feel anything. Sometimes I even get annoyed that she is kissing me. Its strange because when she leaves I feel bad and wish I would have done more, but when shes here I just want to be alone. Anyone else have trouble emoting with their partner when feeling depressed/anxious. I am sure this is pretty common but I just want to know I am not alone.


07-07-2013, 10:30 AM
I don't have a partner but this is why I can't express myself or show emotion or affection so am incapable of relationships. You'll find that it's a common occurrence for people with anxiety.