View Full Version : Fear of dying from rabies-even after vaccine

07-06-2013, 08:19 PM
So this all started when I did one of the dumbest things I've ever done. Go into a storm drain tunnel with some of my friends. This was about a month ago. We started to walk through it, it would have been pitch black if we did not have flashlights. We saw something flying around in front of us, we realized it was a bat. After standing there watching it for a while, it was gone, I think it attached itself to the wall, so we moved on farther. We then heard some squeaks, which we assumed to be more bats. So we all sprinted back the way we came, until we saw one in front of us. We got scared as to how it got between us and the exit, but now I realize it was probably the same one that we saw earlier. It must have attached to the wall again because it just disappeared. Then we just sprinted out.

After we were out I just casually brought up that bats can carry rabies. We kinda talked about it for a little until we went home.

Once I got home I started to do some research on rabies, and bats. I read that it only takes a tiny scratch that could be undetectable to get rabies, and even a case of airborne transmission. I found out that if you get the vaccine quickly, it is very effective at preventing rabies.

It took a lot of strength, but later in the day, feeling so scared of what could happen to me if I had rabies, I told my mom what I had done and after that she read that rabies will kill you, she took me to the doctor. The doctor said it was unlikely that I had gotten the virus. So, calmed down, I was able to sleep good that night. The next day I became even more scared, and I was basically locked up with fear the whole day. I read more about the vaccine, and told my mom that I'm going to be a nervous wreck unless I get it. So my mom took be to a different medical center, a much bigger one with an emergency room. The doctor there was reluctant to give me the vaccine, but after hearing how scared I was, decided to allow me to have it. I got the other three doses on the third, seventh, and fourteenth days.

Ever since I got the vaccine, I have not had any fear until a day ago. I had been having a slightly sore, scratchy throat for the past few days, but it got worse just a day ago. I then started to read some of the symptoms of rabies, and sore throat is one of them. That night while I was trying to sleep I also felt another symptom of rabies: a tingling sensation in my legs. I did not get to sleep until about 2 AM.

Some of the symptoms I've felt are sore, scratchy throat, slight difficulty swallowing, anxiety, slight headache, and a tingling feeling.

Now I'm scared of these things.

1. The vaccine did not work, I am now going to die from rabies.
2. The vaccine was defective and gave me rabies.

I pray to god that I will loose my fear, and not die from rabies

Thank you to anybody who has read this.

07-06-2013, 10:32 PM
The chances of you having rabies are pretty much at zero. Unless the bat bit you, transmission is highly unlikely. It doesn't sound like your doctors are worried and neither should you be. The problem is that you've looked it up (THE biggest no no for avoiding anxiety), read the symptoms, began to worry about it and presto! Lo and behold, some symptoms appear. Why? Because anxiety and fear can lead the brain to produce psychosomatic illnesses. It sounds like you're waiting for or anticipating the worst, when there's no rational reason to at all. If you have a sore throat, it's 99.9% unlikely to be related to rabies. If you had the virus, I'm sure you'd know it by now because you'd be very ill. Stop Googling symptoms and inducing more panic and I'll bet you'll feel better in no time.

07-07-2013, 06:24 AM
I understand you because I've been through the rabies scare too, but my dog (unvaccinated at the time) actually (playfully) bit me. It didn't break the skin, I didn't bleed, but I had the worst anxiety of my life for 2 weeks straight and the worst panic attacks ever. I was convinced I had rabies, especially because one of the symptoms I read was "high anxiety." Like you, the more symptoms I read, the more symptoms I seemed to be developing. It's been 2 months since she bit me and she is still alive and well, so I know she couldn't have transmitted rabies to me or she would've died within a couple of weeks.

I highly doubt you have rabies. As I'm sure you've read by now with all of your googling (I'm guilty of it too), symptoms come on quickly and are much scarier than just a sore throat and some tingling and headaches. You'd be dead in a few days. Most of your symptoms are probably caused by your anxiety and people get sore throats all the time. There is also NO way the vaccine could give you rabies either. Humans contracting rabies is VERY rare in the US, only 1-3 cases per year I think? Think about how thousands of people across the country encounter bats each day and don't get rabies. You didn't get rabies either. ESPECIALLY since you got the vaccine! Stop researching symptoms!

07-07-2013, 08:37 AM
I had a bad habit of playing with stray dogs and I went to what you're going through as well. I googled and paid the price with panic attacks.

07-07-2013, 08:29 PM
Thanks for all of the replys, it's helped me a lot. I had the sore throat again this morning, but after I ate breakfast it was gone, that made me happy, because if it was caused by rabies I doubt it would be getting better, only worse. Also had less tingling, but still a slight headache. I'm sure it will all go away soon. I'm just glad I got the vaccine, despite me being scared it did not work/gave me the virus, because I would be freaked out even more if I knew I didn't have it.

07-08-2013, 08:45 AM
Ok know I am even more panicked again. I work up at about 4:30 this morning. I took a sip of water and when I swallowed it, my tongue started to curl up and my upper throat tightened up a little. Now I'm just as scared as the night I couldn't sleep until 2 AM. Somebody please help me. I think I'm going to die of rabies. One of the main signs is spasms in the throat from swallowing.

07-08-2013, 03:32 PM
The same thing happened to me when I was going through my rabies anxiety, especially when I read that it was a symptom. I can assure you that it's just your throat closing up because you're anxious, not rabies. Your symptoms would be a lot worse by now.

07-08-2013, 05:32 PM
Relax you are not dying. Your nervous system is overexcited. Thats all.

07-08-2013, 08:25 PM
Thanks for the replies again, the one thing to google is "anxiety symptoms" I think it's the only symptom list that you can read and not gain any more fear.

Google is terrible when searching for symptoms of what you think you have, but great when you are searching for anxiety symptoms :P

07-29-2013, 12:55 PM
Ok know I am even more panicked again. I work up at about 4:30 this morning. I took a sip of water and when I swallowed it, my tongue started to curl up and my upper throat tightened up a little. Now I'm just as scared as the night I couldn't sleep until 2 AM. Somebody please help me. I think I'm going to die of rabies. One of the main signs is spasms in the throat from swallowing.

This was exactly how I was feeling last night! I have a little sore throat too! This fear is so horrible. Every minute I think I will get rabies and die. No amount of begging convinces any of my doctors to give me the vaccine so you are very fortunate thank God, you don't have anything to worry about. You already got the shots and from what I know no one ever got rabies after getting the shot. It is 100% prevented once the shots are taken. Plus, you haven't told us how your friends are doing. If they are doing fine and are still healthy then you definitely have nothing to worry about.

07-29-2013, 01:20 PM
Similar scenario happened to me when I was probably 13 or 14 (I'm 31 now). I was feeding a squirrel and it either scratched or maybe nibbled on my finger - anyway, pre Google days so I did research in medical books and drove myself sick with worry.

I'm still here though - rabies free : )

07-29-2013, 01:44 PM
Similar scenario happened to me when I was probably 13 or 14 (I'm 31 now). I was feeding a squirrel and it either scratched or maybe nibbled on my finger - anyway, pre Google days so I did research in medical books and drove myself sick with worry.

I'm still here though - rabies free : )

What made you stop obsessing over it? I am glad you are still alive and healthy :)
My throat keeps closing up and I have horrible panic attacks because of this. I am scared that I will soon get scared of water :( I hate feeling this way. I just want THE DAMN VACCINE! Sigh. I seen this article about a man who got rabies after a bite from a stray dog 25 years later and I am freaking out. Can't eat, sleep, get tingly feelings on my arms and knees. This is horrible. My mind convinced me with no doubt that I will get rabies soon.

07-29-2013, 02:29 PM
What made you stop obsessing over it? I am glad you are still alive and healthy :)
My throat keeps closing up and I have horrible panic attacks because of this. I am scared that I will soon get scared of water :( I hate feeling this way. I just want THE DAMN VACCINE! Sigh. I seen this article about a man who got rabies after a bite from a stray dog 25 years later and I am freaking out. Can't eat, sleep, get tingly feelings on my arms and knees. This is horrible. My mind convinced me with no doubt that I will get rabies soon.

Thanks for the well wishes!

I guess maybe what helped me get over it was my age - I felt fine, was 14ish and busy with friends and summer vacation! Though looking back, it was a definite "red flag" precursor to the moderate anxiety I'm having these past few months as an adult.

The difference between then and now? Back then, I didn't have any of the physical symptoms of anxiety like I have now; it was just strictly mental - worrisome thoughts, butterflies in stomach, etc.; it wasn't the physical manifestations you and I are having now; which definitely helped me get over it and get on with my summer.

What I find interesting reading through this forum is - how many similar physical symptoms we have in common as anxiety sufferers. You mention having a tightness in throat feeling - I have the same right now, but the physical symptom wasn't brought on by the thought of rabies; to me, that validates even more that it's anxiety based in nature.

07-29-2013, 04:29 PM
i think its worth noting that in many countries rabies is pretty much erradicated. no one would ever say 100% but the last known cases of transmition by animals to humans is likely a very long time ago in any particular country. This is why we have quarentine, and very strict quarentine all over the globe. The last known cases have been when someone has been to less civilised areas, are bitten then return to their home country with it. So getting it in ure own country is so rare that its really not worth thinking about - easier said than done of course, our minds jump to conclusions when our anx is high - it seems easier to blame it on something else than accept that its just anx

Mara Vallejo
02-29-2016, 11:01 PM
Hello, is anyone of you still alive? I'm having a rabies scare right now. I am freaking out.

03-01-2016, 07:06 AM
I don't really know how you are feeling or have experienced anything similar, but I have story that may help set your mind at ease. At age 10 or 11 I had a dog. We were rural people, dogs never went to vet for shots or anything, its just the way it was. Well one day my brother and I come home from school to find my dog just laying in yard, so we assume dog had been bit by a snake. We wrap dogs legs in towel strips that have been soaked in milk and iodine( some how we thought this was cure for snake bite). and put dog in shed with food and water and shut door so nothing will bother her. I check on her that night same condition and next day before school. That afternoon after school I go back to shed to check on dog, she has gone mad. I can hear her slamming into walls, growling and breaking the glass on the windows...scares the heck out me. My brother and I wait to our dad comes home, and tell him how dog is acting, we we go to check, dog is dead. My brother and I bury her in woods. We are later told the dog was rabid(because of her behavior). So both my brother and I handled a rabid dog, before and after death, we had no bites or scratches and did not receive antidotes and were fine. Also I can say being a former House painter and a former utility worker( lot of attic and crawl spaces) I have come into contact with rats and bats, I have even removed dead bats from my back porch( they fly into ceiling fan if I leave it on at night) and never had any problems. I have been bit by spiders...but that's another story LOL.