View Full Version : My bad anxity is just NOT going away

07-06-2013, 07:33 PM
I broke up with my ex, like back in November of last year, and I'm STILL feeling pretty bad. I just don't enjoy my life much anymore. I don't understand why this situation with is still bothering me. He was abusive to me, did despicable things that I can never forgive. He tried to contact me 2 weeks back, I just couldn't even respond to him.. and now we have no communication at all, and my anxiety has been through the roof for like the last month!

I don't get it. Why do I feel this empty space not having him in my life after all this time? What was good about the relationship to me is long over, so why does it linger?

I've been oversleeping, so I wake up feeling weird, and thus I have terrible anxiety attacks. The attacks are even worse when I leave the house. I don't even enjoy going out to eat or shopping anymore, it's just like something I have to "get through".

I was like this last year, having a nervous breakdown over my ex. but, I thought over time, that wouldn't happen again cause I realize now I have to get over him.

I don't know how to fix this. I was doing better in April through early June, then my emotional health completely slipped again.

I am so consumed with worry ever waking moment. I don't know what to do with my life, I have no hope. I feel like a complete mess.

I was so desperate to break this cycle of anxiety I get with my ex, that I stopped communicating with him altogether, but the anxiety still won't go away.

I feel like I'm a prisoner to these attacks forever. I take 100 mg of Zoloft, and it's obviously not enough to stop me from having this anxiety.. I don't know what to do anymore.

07-06-2013, 08:01 PM
Anxiety sucks! That's for sure.....I have it too and it's the most powerful thing I've battled yet. I often wonder why my mind is doing this to me? Who's in control anyway?

You need to get higher doses of meds, they do help put your brains chemicals back to the proper balance. I would suggest seeing a psychiatrist because they deal with these issues every day. The guy I saw ,noticed my family doctor had tried me already on some of the meds he wanted to try and said , the "proper" dose of a drug is the key. He was right, I am getting better..... still have not so good days ,but compared to where I was, I am doing better! :)

Don't feel like you're the only one who feels that way, just read a little on this forum. Thousands of people suffer from this bullsh!t anxiety!

I know it's hard to want to get out and talk with people but it is good medicine. If you have close friends or family, confide in them and you might be surprised to hear that they battled this demon also!

Stay strong and take care!

07-10-2013, 02:50 AM
Thanks. It makes me feel like I have no control at all lately.. I think I'm doing okay one month, the next, I'm a complete nervous wreck again. I can't help but think it all comes down to my ex, situations that go on with him can either make or break my mood, I'm trying so hard to fight that. I guess I am not completely over him, yet I can't go back to him, he's just too terrible a person..

It doesn't help when my outlook for the future is so grim too, I just don't know what's going to happen.. No plans at all, whatsoever..