View Full Version : Relaxing please help me!

07-06-2013, 01:48 PM
What do you do in the evenings/night time to relax wind down? I struggle to not get all panicky at night time jut before bed and need some help! Please :( it's driving me mad how I can be okish in the day and bad at night?!

07-06-2013, 02:05 PM
I sit in a warm bubble bath , with some music and iPad .

07-06-2013, 02:35 PM
Youtube until I fall asleep

07-06-2013, 02:49 PM
I try to keep myself busy. I like to keep the TV, radio or computer on while preparing food or doing menial tasks. Not being still helps me to wind down and it makes me tired. Then its easier to fall asleep.

07-06-2013, 10:49 PM
A warm bubble bath with candles all around, some soft jazz or relaxing music playing softly. Then I lie down and do muscle tension and relaxation exercises where you tighten up different parts of your body, starting with my left or right foot, then relaxing each part, concentrating on just completely relaxing that part of my body until it feels like it's sinking into the bed. There are great guided videos on YouTube. After that, I grab a good book (something humorous works best...something that will make you laugh...nothing scary, depressing or suspenseful). I also keep a nice, loud fan going next to my bed. The circulating air is relaxing and the sound is soothing and keeps my mind from wandering. Hope some of these things help. Don't look at night time as a time to feel anxious or scared, but rather as a time for you to do anything you want, a time to pamper and entertain yourself. Also, try a mug of hot chamomile or ginger root tea.

07-06-2013, 11:00 PM
What do you do in the evenings/night time to relax wind down? I struggle to not get all panicky at night time jut before bed and need some help! Please :( it's driving me mad how I can be okish in the day and bad at night?!

Warm bath with 10 drops of lavender essential oil in the water.

07-07-2013, 05:32 AM
Watch a movie or a tv show, listen to the radio or browse youtube.

07-07-2013, 08:52 PM
Put on music, drink tea, listen to music, play some video games and smoke a joint :)

I've never been a fan of relaxing... I like to go til I just go to sleep.

cellar door
07-07-2013, 09:42 PM
1. rub one out

2. bath. I always keep the water running over my toes.

3. listen to non stimulating music. for me, it's jerry Garcia band, jj cale, Neil young, the band, mazzy starr, Julee cruise, billy holiday

4. put this machine on that puts little stars on the ceiling

5. take a cold wet washcloth or towel and lay it on my body while I'm laying down

6. read something peaceful like the tao te ching

7. play a mindless iPhone game

8. focused deep breathing

9. speak a gratitude list

10. turn on a fan in addition to a ceiling fan

11. put on socks

12. drink water

07-07-2013, 09:49 PM
I usually watch a tv show or movie that will hold my attention for hours until I get tired enough to fall asleep.

07-08-2013, 05:06 AM
Gaming on my PC, watching TV shows. Nothing very amazing but it helps me unwind usually.
