View Full Version : Weird symptoms..worried something serious is wrong with me

07-06-2013, 09:40 AM
So, I've been having trouble with twitching muscles for about a year
had blood tests done, deficiency in vitamin d, but nothing else. Went to a neurologist, she couldn't find anything.

I've had a bad cough these last weeks, with mucus. Also, I've suffered from a candida-overgrowth in my stomach for some months, changing my diet completely.

Last week I woke up and my thumb was twitching like crazy, so I went to a chiropractor, who worked my neck and the muscles involved in the action. Its better, but the thumb is still twitching sometimes.

These last weeks, I've been waking up early in the morning with an aching back, mostly in the middle. I also have a muscle ( I think) that really hurts on the side of my neck.

And I am SO tired all the time, really worn out from morning to night.

I feel like my body is shutting down and it fuels my anxiety -I do yoga, but it doesn't seem to help my back at all.

What could it be? I'm so scared of lung cancer and cancer in general..

07-06-2013, 10:35 AM
See your Dr again and make a decision to trust their diagnosis. It's difficult, I know but in going through something similar at the moment.
It's made me realize that I will always focus on some worry or other. I finally raided the issue with my Dr and after 24 years am finally getting treatment for my anxiety.
Good luck and it will get easier.

07-06-2013, 01:17 PM
Smokeyyogi- I know it's hard to imagine, but it is anxiety. I have the same thing. In the last 3 weeks I have had a terrible pain in my calf (which of course I thought was a blood clot), my calf was also twitching like mad, and in the other leg I had a vibrating feeling ever 2 seconds or so. I was so worried, but like everything else it has went away. I now have twitching in other places, but it's intermittent. I have health anxiety, so I worry about every disease imaginable.
As for the back and neck pain, I believe that is definitely anxiety, we tense our muscles constantly without even knowing it...in turn making our muscles sore and painful. Try stretches, they work wonders too.
I know it's frustrating to live with these things everyday, but once we except that it is anxiety it WILL get better. Worrying about a symptom can actually make it seem worse because of the focus we pay to it. Praying things calm down for you and just remember, the doctors do know more than us.

07-06-2013, 06:01 PM
I went trough ALL if that and still do at times. Is ent to chiropractor who told me neck misalignment was causing these feelings. Had so many sessions with adjustments and none of it helped. I quit going and just owned up to the fact that its all related to my anxiety an as soon as I do that then the symptoms slowly fade away. Granted they don't stay away but I know what's causing them so I'm not afraid of them anymore. I also had blood work done that all came back normal. Anxiety really is rough to deal with.

07-06-2013, 06:50 PM
Yes I know this feeling. I've had 4 blood test, 3 physicals, ekg, stress cardio ekg and a biopsy. But somehow I keep thinking the docs have missed something because the sensations feel so real.

07-06-2013, 07:26 PM
You're probably just sleeping in some weird way you don't realize. Try changing your pillows, maybe even your mattress.

07-06-2013, 07:55 PM
So, I've been having trouble with twitching muscles for about a year
had blood tests done, deficiency in vitamin d, but nothing else. Went to a neurologist, she couldn't find anything.

I've had a bad cough these last weeks, with mucus. Also, I've suffered from a candida-overgrowth in my stomach for some months, changing my diet completely.

Last week I woke up and my thumb was twitching like crazy, so I went to a chiropractor, who worked my neck and the muscles involved in the action. Its better, but the thumb is still twitching sometimes.

These last weeks, I've been waking up early in the morning with an aching back, mostly in the middle. I also have a muscle ( I think) that really hurts on the side of my neck.

And I am SO tired all the time, really worn out from morning to night.

I feel like my body is shutting down and it fuels my anxiety -I do yoga, but it doesn't seem to help my back at all.

What could it be? I'm so scared of lung cancer and cancer in general..

I HATE the twitchy muscle part of anxiety. My eyes have twitched and once my lip twitched for an ENTIRE day. Talk about annoying lol.

I'm betting you probably don't sleep very well at night, and that will definitely cause you to feel exhausted. Not to mention when we focus so much on the anxiety we start to get emotionally drained.

As for the muscles, I know my neck, shoulders, and jaw always hurt and are super right when I'm anxious for a while.

Are you a back or side sleeper? When I sleep on my side I put a pillow between my legs and it helps my spine stay straight and that helps my lower back pain.

07-06-2013, 08:00 PM
Are you over sleeping?