View Full Version : Looking for advice

07-06-2013, 08:26 AM
The last few weeks had been going well, until was until yesterday. My biggest fear is having a heart attack. I have been checked out and everything is fine, but the fear is still there. I can seem to move past it. I have been any to avoid it to a minimum with my common physical symptoms (muscle ache in the chest and arms), but yesterday I got a new ache in my chest area below my breast bone. I had never had it before and freaked me out. It was periodic and not really painful, my family think it was just heart burn. I just can move past it, does anyone have any advice or can relate to this?

07-06-2013, 08:33 AM
The last few weeks had been going well, until was until yesterday. My biggest fear is having a heart attack. I have been checked out and everything is fine, but the fear is still there. I can seem to move past it. I have been any to avoid it to a minimum with my common physical symptoms (muscle ache in the chest and arms), but yesterday I got a new ache in my chest area below my breast bone. I had never had it before and freaked me out. It was periodic and not really painful, my family think it was just heart burn. I just can move past it, does anyone have any advice or can relate to this?

Hello there it may of been trapped wind as that can be painful and stay there quite a while,I have also had the same fear for years but I've had loads of tests and I'm all clear,I was 17 when it all stared and I'm now 38 and Guess what ima STILL here and I'm alive lol you will be fine I promise

07-06-2013, 10:59 PM
Have you been checked for acid reflux (GERD) or possibly a hiatal hernia? I get these chest pains frequently. My heart has been checked and everything was fine. Reflux can cause symptoms that feel heart-related. If you've been checked, then trust that your heart is fine. The more you worry or obsess about it, the more likely the pains will continue. It's one of the number 1 symptoms of anxiety. Also, when we're anxious, we tend to swallow more air whether we realize it or not. This can cause a lot of chest discomfort. Try drinking some hot chamomile tea. Get some ginger root, cut up a few slices and boil it with the chamomile. Not only is this calming and soothing, but the ginger is great at breaking up any trapped gas in the diaphragm or intestinal tract. Hope this helps. Stay calm. You're going to be just fine. :-)