View Full Version : Need a little help...

07-05-2013, 07:49 PM
Well I went to the dr today after being to the hospital numerous times thinking im having a heart attack...blood test and EKGs are normal...well I am tired of trying to solve this on my own so after having back to back panic attacks at work I finally went to the dr...she said it sounds like PTSD...I got out of a really bad relation were he beat me up and screwed with my head...I have convinced myself im having a heart attack...she did an EKG today and of course it's normal...I ended up having a severe panic attack because I have been having this pain in between my shoulder blades and I googled that and it was a huge mistake it said its possible I was having a heart attack so that gave me an automatic panic attack :/ it feels like I need to crack my back but can't so I have been trying to stretch my back so im not sure if maybe I just pulled a muscle...I have heart palpitations which doesn't help either and when my anxiety bothers it affects my left side so im constantly worried...please help

07-05-2013, 09:34 PM
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I have been through the exact same thing several years ago. Medication has helped at times but I'm at a point where it's no longer working. Have you tried any meds? I also did cognitive behavioral therapy at UCLA clinic and tat helped as well. Hang in there!! you're not alone :)

07-05-2013, 09:49 PM
I had upper back pain too! And heart palp. But I know it's my anxiety! Your tense with worry, and stress. I'm thinking your shoulders are somewhere up by your ears? I was doing that and didn't even realize it! Then my boyfriend offered me a back rub, as I was feeling so sore. And when he did he was like my god your tense! He asked are you always that tight up there. Made me start watching myself, and sure enough. I caught myself constantly with my shoulders scrunched up. It took me a good 2 weeks to retrain myself to relax them! Now I have no more pain.
Practice guided muscle relaxation on YouTube. Also check in on yourself a few times a day, and see where your shoulders are at.

07-06-2013, 07:59 AM
Thanks guys!!! I just wish we didnt have to go through this it can be very debilitating dealing with anxiety!! It's just nice to know im not alone or we are not alone...I just need to get this under control cuz I really feel like im dying everyday and it's been a real struggle

07-06-2013, 05:45 PM
I know the feeling. Anxiety can be so bad it will bring tears to your eyes...all day! It is tough to get through and I am in the thick of it myself right now. I can take a pill like Klonopin and it helps for a while but that in and of itself can be depressing. All I know is I do what I have to do every day to get trough it. It does feel like dying a little everyday but remember that everything changes over time. It will get better....geez at least for my own sake too ...lol. Stay strong!


07-07-2013, 03:29 PM
Having a positive attitude towards life even when I've felt the worst has definitely had a positive impact on getting through all this. I just let the anxiety take over when it arrives. I call it my dark passenger like in Dexter :p Accepting it and knowing that hey, nothing is going to happen and this feeling will soon go away makes a huge change. If I've started feeling better then so will you :) The anxiety is there but I believe that we all can get better and enjoy our lives!