View Full Version : Need help please.

Daniel Baxter
07-05-2013, 04:10 PM

I'll get right to the point. I've suffered from severe generalized anxiety since I was fourteen (8 years). In the beginning it took the form of me feeling and being sick whenever i had to go out of the house. over time I developed IBS in the form of feeling the need to empty out my system so I'd have nothing left to throw up - foolish logic I know but one of my biggest fears is having a bowel movement in a public place without warning -, unfortunately this developed into something that I can no longer stop.

If I need to go out of the house I have to have a fair amount of time to prepare, depending on where I need to go, I will have to sit on the toilet for a long time, forcing myself to go until there's virtually no more I can do. Doing this however leaves me with crippling stomach cramps and the constant urge to be sick. It's a catch 22 situation whereby I try and clear out my system so I don't need to be sick, but I feel like I'm going to be sick because I try too hard to clear out my system.

I need some help as recently my anxiety has been worse. I currently take 40mg of Citalopram, 2 Meberverine tablets per day (130mg) and I also take Imodium instants to help my stomach pains stop and to help stop the need to go to the toilet when out.

I heard that Magnesium tablets could help me, if you have any advice I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

07-07-2013, 01:14 PM
I don't have ibs but, I do know that the body can do some amazing things AND, I'm sure with the right foods and a plan you can retrain your body. Good luck!