View Full Version : Side stomach pains

07-05-2013, 04:58 PM
Next symptom... Now my stomach had this sharp archery stomach pain on the side where your liver and gall bladder .... I hadn't fall bladder removed 11 years ago but slot of times it feels like I have a bad stitch in my side, of course I assume the worst and think it's cancer or my liver or something like that I've had my liver enzymes check one time there were elevated the next time they were normal completely normal someone please help me if you've had this problem of the sharp achy pains that won't go away. it's very scary and unnerving and I'm sick and tired of feeling like I have to go to the doctor for every single symptom and everone Is getting sick of me asking if I am okay or if this is normal please someone help me

07-05-2013, 05:00 PM
It hurts to mash my stomach with my fingers but I guess that's normal for anyone I just want to know that I'm okay and it sometimes I can put my fist where it hurts and it'll block the pain for a while

07-05-2013, 05:01 PM
This does not hurt all the time but it hurts more here lately and I guess I notice it more because of this stupid anxiety that I'm dealing with makes it amplify ten times worse then I'm sure it really is someone please advise me thanks

07-05-2013, 06:30 PM
Not to be gross or anything but when that happens to me its gas

07-05-2013, 08:20 PM
Not to be gross or anything but when that happens to me its gas

Is it extremely painful. Mines been that way most of the day. I've taken three gas-x strips that dissolve on your tongue but no help I'm just scared right now thinking its cancer or tumor or something . I can't stand this

07-05-2013, 08:42 PM
Ive had it to where it can be pretty painful. Ive been backed up or gassed up to the point I thought it was my appendix. It passed after a few days. I worried the entire time for nothing lol which definitely made it worse.

07-05-2013, 09:28 PM
There have been times where my husband would have terrible stomach pains, he'd be doubled over in pain and would not he able to sleep at all. Sometimes i would find him in the morning lying on the bathroom floor lol poor thing. He would stay in there throughout the night, constantly trying to use the toilet. Don't worry, it is probably gas. Sometimes I get sharp pains in random spots for no apparent reason, but they come and go.. doesn't mean its anything serious.

07-05-2013, 09:31 PM
Ive had it to where it can be pretty painful. Ive been backed up or gassed up to the point I thought it was my appendix. It passed after a few days. I worried the entire time for nothing lol which definitely made it worse.

Was it on your right side just below ribs?

07-05-2013, 09:32 PM
There have been times where my husband would have terrible stomach pains, he'd be doubled over in pain and would not he able to sleep at all. Sometimes i would find him in the morning lying on the bathroom floor lol poor thing. He would stay in there throughout the night, constantly trying to use the toilet. Don't worry, it is probably gas. Sometimes I get sharp pains in random spots for no apparent reason, but they come and go.. doesn't mean its anything serious.

Thanks I pray that's all it is

07-05-2013, 09:49 PM
Was it on your right side just below ribs?

Oh yeah It almost feels like it gets stuck. It will go away eventually

07-07-2013, 03:01 PM
Went to doc thinking it was a kidney infection because of where I am hurting. They said kidneys were clear but because of my symptoms put me on antibiotics anyway. This is sooooo frustrating!!!! It hurts so bad on my right side in my back right below where my ribs end. It almost feels bruised but its not. My anxiety is feeding this giving me all sorts of ideas.... Cancer , appendix, liver I mean what gives!!!!! Enough thinking already

07-07-2013, 03:43 PM
Hi, ive had a very similar pain for the last 18 months. Its on the right hand side just bellow my ribs mainly its at the front but i have had it on the side. Then i suffered with some constipation and a lot of heartburn. I thought it was my gallbladder as i had the symptoms and the pain was radiating from the area. It started in Nov 2011 and i just ignored it as it only lasted a few days. Anyway i started trying all sorts of things eating this and that. Then i noticed a small swelling bellow it well i got real stressed and ended up facing my fear to go to the doctor. Well 5 doctors have all confirmed they can see a lump but they cant feel anything. I had a few blood tests carried out as stool test everything has come back ok. Then i had an ultrasound scan and they checked all of my abdomen and that came back ok. My only other option was to have a endoscope ......it took me a year to pluck up the courage to do it, well that came back ok as well.

The only thing they can say is that i may have IBS due to my stressing they think the bowel swells where it happens to be weak which is where my lump appears on my stomach. This in turn presses on other organs i guess it wouldnt be to bad if i was skinny but im not so theres less room and everything is squashed . So every other surrounding organ gets inflamed and has pressure put on it so in other words wind is causing the pain. I know im not a doctor but i do think its something to do with my gallbladder .

I had rib & Stomach pain all last week the worst its ever been. It came up to my back and shoulder it was that bad i was finding it hard to breath and i was thinking about going to hospital. I didnt go as i get so worried around doctors and i start to panic in hospitals . I have this about every month on average so i now thinking it could be hormonal. I came across some information a while back as a lady also had the same problem in USA her doc found that a gland which is situated around the Gallbladder area was swelling up and this would cause her rib, chest, back, shoulder pain and at times even maker her sick. It would swell up every now and again which is why it took ages to find out her problem was as it wasnt showing up on scans. The gland in the end was removed and i cant remember what the gland or the condition is called.

So i dont know what is wrong with me but a hot water bottle helps sometimes. I would say keep going back to the doctor and write a diary to see if its what your eating .

take care


07-07-2013, 06:14 PM
Hi, ive had a very similar pain for the last 18 months. Its on the right hand side just bellow my ribs mainly its at the front but i have had it on the side. Then i suffered with some constipation and a lot of heartburn. I thought it was my gallbladder as i had the symptoms and the pain was radiating from the area. It started in Nov 2011 and i just ignored it as it only lasted a few days. Anyway i started trying all sorts of things eating this and that. Then i noticed a small swelling bellow it well i got real stressed and ended up facing my fear to go to the doctor. Well 5 doctors have all confirmed they can see a lump but they cant feel anything. I had a few blood tests carried out as stool test everything has come back ok. Then i had an ultrasound scan and they checked all of my abdomen and that came back ok. My only other option was to have a endoscope ......it took me a year to pluck up the courage to do it, well that came back ok as well.

The only thing they can say is that i may have IBS due to my stressing they think the bowel swells where it happens to be weak which is where my lump appears on my stomach. This in turn presses on other organs i guess it wouldnt be to bad if i was skinny but im not so theres less room and everything is squashed . So every other surrounding organ gets inflamed and has pressure put on it so in other words wind is causing the pain. I know im not a doctor but i do think its something to do with my gallbladder .

I had rib & Stomach pain all last week the worst its ever been. It came up to my back and shoulder it was that bad i was finding it hard to breath and i was thinking about going to hospital. I didnt go as i get so worried around doctors and i start to panic in hospitals . I have this about every month on average so i now thinking it could be hormonal. I came across some information a while back as a lady also had the same problem in USA her doc found that a gland which is situated around the Gallbladder area was swelling up and this would cause her rib, chest, back, shoulder pain and at times even maker her sick. It would swell up every now and again which is why it took ages to find out her problem was as it wasnt showing up on scans. The gland in the end was removed and i cant remember what the gland or the condition is called.

So i dont know what is wrong with me but a hot water bottle helps sometimes. I would say keep going back to the doctor and write a diary to see if its what your eating .

take care


Thanks for your reply. Mine is more to my back right side just under rib cage and sometimes radiates to the front. The thoughts of pancreas, liver cancer or spleen appendix issues are driving me insane I just really need assurance right now.

07-07-2013, 06:18 PM
In my teens I battled with bullemia for 6 plus years and now I'm petrified that this has weakened my immune system and now I'm terrified that I may have cancer. I know it's not good to think this way. I wish My mind would just slow down and think rationally.

07-08-2013, 02:42 AM
Thanks for your reply. Mine is more to my back right side just under rib cage and sometimes radiates to the front. The thoughts of pancreas, liver cancer or spleen appendix issues are driving me insane I just really need assurance right now.

Hi , I have had that pain and i have had those worries and thoughts. Even after i had a scan to check Liver, Spleen, and Gallbladder. I didnt believe them how can they say im ok as i was having a great deal of pain. So the doctor did a set of bloods to check the function and that also come back ok. I would say go and get a blood test done.

My pain starts of in the front and as the days go on it moves on the side and then as its easing off it radiates on my back. If i had it on my left side i would think it was my heart. It feels at times somebody is stabbing me in the back. But i can tell you ive spoken to 5 different doctors none of them were really worried about my symptoms. NONE of them mentioned caner even though the thought was in my head. I can tell you ALL of them said they were not concerned as the pain is not in one place and it moves. They did not think it was my liver as most of the time the pain would be on the left or in the middle. Appendix pain is mainly lower in the abdomen area or around your right hip

If you think you have a weak immune system go and speak to the doctor im sure it can be treated. You need to believe what they say!

What i have learnt is that if i think ive got a problem i think the worse thought every time i have a pinch, niggle, throb, sting, heaviness,twinge around the rib. You will be more aware of that area because thats what your worrying about. I bet you may have also have a pain in your head or a twinge in your leg and you wont even notice because you thinking about your rib area.

Hope you feel better soon


07-08-2013, 06:00 AM
Trapped wind can be absolute agony. Solution is get on your nees with your arse up in the air and give it time, concentrate on proper breathing through your stomach and fully relax on every exhale. You'll wind up farting like there's no tomorrow and it can provide a lot of relief. I tried 5 IBS and trapped wind medicines and none of them helped.

Highly unlikely it's cancer. When cancer gets to the point it's causing pain then there'll be a whole host of other symptoms. It's no doubt going to be anxiety upsetting your stomach to no end.


07-08-2013, 07:53 AM
Trapped wind can be absolute agony. Solution is get on your nees with your arse up in the air and give it time, concentrate on proper breathing through your stomach and fully relax on every exhale. You'll wind up farting like there's no tomorrow and it can provide a lot of relief. I tried 5 IBS and trapped wind medicines and none of them helped.

Highly unlikely it's cancer. When cancer gets to the point it's causing pain then there'll be a whole host of other symptoms. It's no doubt going to be anxiety upsetting your stomach to no end.


If it is trapped gas wouldn't it be gone by now, I have been hurting in this area for a week now?

07-08-2013, 08:10 AM
I'm just so sick of worrying and assuming the absolute worsy

07-08-2013, 11:07 AM
I had IBS symptoms for 3 months solid, all day every day, pains, bloating, gas, nausea. When I finally accepted it was anxiety and not some hidden cancer or IBS etc the pains disappeared within 48 hours.


07-08-2013, 12:17 PM
I had IBS symptoms for 3 months solid, all day every day, pains, bloating, gas, nausea. When I finally accepted it was anxiety and not some hidden cancer or IBS etc the pains disappeared within 48 hours.


Thank you I hope I can say the same . This anxiety sucks big time.