View Full Version : New here. but not to anxiety and panic

07-05-2013, 08:26 AM
Hello everyone. My name is Heidi, i live on he east coast. I was divorced on february 25th and hospitalized on the 26th for spasm/seizure type attacks only on the right side of my body. I think it was all stress related and was emotional breakdown for me. Also lost a pregnancy in October as well....soo.

When in the hospital hey ran many testsand an MRI showed a leaion on left brain and on my c spine...MS was the diagnosis from one Nuero and he other said i was under major stress. Well. To say the least, the words MS spoken sent my anxiety to an entire new level...health anxiety! Now any symptom i have i think i have whatever diseas or illness it goes long with. I also have a son im raising alone. I take ativan when needed and have buspar but am nervous to take it because i was havig muscke spasms and it may cause them....i took buspar years ago and was fine. But im afraid of eveything. Sorry for the rant. But im glad to have found this.