View Full Version : Need advice

07-04-2013, 08:12 PM
Im losing so much in my life, haven't been able to work for two years, unemployment ran out, taxes due, civil suit for a car i had reposed yrs ago. Now the girl i love and her son are moving on without me all because if this curse called anxiety. Im sick of the chest tightness, dizziness, over all feeling of emptiness, and constant body pains and stiffness. It has been coming on strong for the last few days. I really want to be with her but haven't been able to be myself the last two years to work on the things i need to work on relationship wise, i was there for her through her M.S. diagnoses, drug addiction. Then in between my father passed away so its been hell for me the last 4-5 yrs but the anxiety came out two yrs ago with a panic attack in the middle of a store and i haven't been right since. Lost my job which meant i lost my insurance so i have been just dealing for awhile. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up, im sick of it.

07-04-2013, 11:31 PM
It's really up to you man. Anxiety won't just go away like a bad cold that you can just wait out until it goes away. It's you're attitude towards the anxiety. Trust me I know exactly what it all feels/felt like. Once you accept those symptoms, stiffness, emptiness, chest tightness, all of that. Accept it. Feel them and let it happen. Just don't let it frighten you or get to your emotions. Completely accept don't just "think" u accept it and be annoyed and angry because of it. Let it be. The more you react to those feelings with fear, panic, or anger the more you're keeping your nerves sensitized. That's all it is. Let it be and give your nerves time to adjust and desensitize. Have you read "hope and help for your nerves" by Claire Weekes? If not read it, seriously. Then you'll understand

07-05-2013, 12:14 AM
Its not that they frighten me im just sick of them, ive tried multiple breathing techniques and they dont help me, the problem is when doing deep breathing exercises at the point when your inhale is done and you about to exhale i feel those darn heartbeats and sometimes causes more issues, then i end up focusing on that. One of my biggest concerns is everyday tasks that need to be done, im always so tired, and most of the time my heart starts racing from the smallest exertion. Walking up steps, just standing up makes it race, then of course dizziness, fatigue, and just an ill feeling occurs. I have had multiple ekg's, bloodwork, xrays and an echo done and all is good. Is it anxiety or something else, thats always in my head. My pysch doc at the time when i did have insurance said the years if stress that i was going through from GF addiction to my father passing is just coming out, i was always the strong one and never let anything bother me. He said that it took years to finally build up and come out and it might take years for it to go away. Hopefully its soon.