View Full Version : Sad

07-04-2013, 03:40 PM
Does anyone feel sad to see happy normal families couples and friends together when u realise that ur never going to have that? I do.

07-04-2013, 04:59 PM
Yes, I get that a lot. Bothered me for years and still does. I do gun smithing as a hobby now

07-04-2013, 05:32 PM
I think it may have led to my anxiety as well. Being depressed for years,made it easy to have my first panic attack.

07-04-2013, 06:32 PM
I do get that feeling but why would you not have happy normal family in the future? if you are saying that anxiety and panic attacks wont go way you are wrong. I had my first attack in college but I got over it with lots of new friends and having fun in college. it came on again now after long time. but this time I am treating my core problems to make it go away for ever or to deal with it quickly. Have faith in yourself..... and lol and meditate. YOU can and will get rid of this damn thing!!!

if you need to talk pm me

07-04-2013, 07:30 PM
I do get that feeling but why would you not have happy normal family in the future? if you are saying that anxiety and panic attacks wont go way you are wrong. I had my first attack in college but I got over it with lots of new friends and having fun in college. it came on again now after long time. but this time I am treating my core problems to make it go away for ever or to deal with it quickly. Have faith in yourself..... and lol and meditate. YOU can and will get rid of this damn thing!!!

if you need to talk pm me

Bax, it's REALLY good to see people post on here that they have been able to overcome their anxiety. My anxiety is ALL health related, and I'm still in the process of getting a clean bill of health and feeling confident that I can move on worry free. It's just reassuring to see people who have experienced similar things and overcome them...sometimes it feels like it will never end. Thanks for your positive attitude!

07-04-2013, 07:53 PM
I feel like its the same for people who are miserable. I know its terrible to think but when you see someone worse off than you, you kinda feel better too. I think on here for the most part people just want others to relate, but in the real world, knowing someone is going through something and they dont know what you are going through kind of comforts me. IDK why, kinda sounds bad to say but I think its in our nature.

07-04-2013, 11:28 PM
People won't help my anxiety go away they're one the main root causes.