View Full Version : Can somebody please explain this to me???

07-04-2013, 10:46 AM
Last night I went out at around midnight for a ride. I drove up this huge road two times that had these long red lights. Then I went to the other side of town. It's funny, as soon as I got to the post office, I began to worry, as I had never gone there alone before. As soon as I started to get even the slightest bit of worry, the panic crept up on me fast. I felt like I had to get out of there, so I turned around and booked shit in the direction home. What I need help understanding is this:

How do I manage the attacks? I mean, all of the experts say that you shouldn't run from the attacks, and you shouldn't try and fight them either. They say that you should, "flow" with the panic attack, or as Claire Weekes calls it, "floating". I don't know what this means. What do I do? Going out and walking into a panic attack sucks, but you have to do it. If you don't, it's like going to a dojo to spar with an instructor, only to find yourself sitting in the corner with your arms and legs crossed. I plan on going out again today for a ride. I don't know what I should do though when the attack strikes. Please help. If anything has worked for you guys. Let me know. I can't stand this. I'm beginning to feel worse and worse every day.

07-05-2013, 02:57 PM
I wish I could expain it :-(

07-05-2013, 06:30 PM
Ok. So you want Togo to a place that you know will strike up your anxiety! Once anxiety symptoms come, you want to feel them, describe them to yourself. Example. ( your heart starts to race) lean back or sit and say to yourself I feel a thumping in my chest, and its strong, and fast, consent rate on it without any thoughts. Just the sensation. Now start breathing. Deep breath in hold to a count of 3. Exhale. Tell yourself that you are ok, and you know that nothing bad is happening, wait for your heart rate to go back down! And it will. Do not think any negative thoughts, just allow the sensation to flow through, and back out. Get as relaxed as you can! Wiggle your toes, feel your legs relax, your hips, and stomach, relax the chest, and shoulders, neck, face,head. Once you do this sit for a bit. SMILE, then drive away. Praise yourself. For your achievement. No matter how small!

Your brain sends off singles that your in danger, mostly because of our thought pattern. But it sends the same singles as if there was a big 300 pound tiger in front of you. That causes the adrenaline to flow through the body, and our muscles tense up, and our heart rate to increase. In witch we would never notice if the was really a 300 pound tiger in front of you! You would just go into the fight or flight response. You wouldn't stand there and say oh I see the big tiger, but why is my heart racing? LOL. But of corse there is no tiger, so we pay attention to the symptoms. Then we get scared because we don't know why, and that releases more adrenaline. And we get more symptoms, then we say what's going on? And that adds even more! Until you reach a full panic attack! Thus creating a full circle. The key is not to allow it to go full circle, by calmly accepting the sensations for what they are! As it comes into your body. Calmly guide it back out.
I dunno if this will be helpful. It dose take practice, and you may have to work your own way trough it, it is hard to explain. But I do wish you luck! .