View Full Version : Help

07-04-2013, 07:10 AM
I'm in such a bad state, shaking all the time, blinding headache and terrible nausea, I've just collapsed shaking it was so scary, my 2 year old seeing me and my 16 year old, saw nurse this am at home but I'm worse, I can't relax, all my husband does is tell me to stop it, and that he will leave me if I don't sort myself out, I'm sure there is something more wrong with me no one is listening to me.

07-04-2013, 08:10 AM
I know it's really hard to get away from the thoughts in your head. I know how you feel. I get nauseous as well when my anxiety gets bad and they say you shouldn't try to fight with yourself because it just makes it worse. So you say what's the worst that can happen. I find that facing it and closing my eyes and concentrating on my breathing helps. It doesn't make it go away but at least you can have a clear focus. Have you gone to the dr? Having a professional to listen to you may help. People who don't have anxiety don't understand. I hope you feel better! Try to breathe.

07-04-2013, 11:40 AM
Hi jess, I'm still struggling, find it so hard to relax and breathe, I'm just too agitated, pains in my chest too and overwhelming sick feeling, I have had such a bad panic attack, but it's still not going, I'm so upset I can't recover, I don't understand this I had some better days but I feel worse than ever:( I have the crisis team coming out tomorrow now I'm so scared

07-04-2013, 11:47 AM
Hi jess, I'm still struggling, find it so hard to relax and breathe, I'm just too agitated, pains in my chest too and overwhelming sick feeling, I have had such a bad panic attack, but it's still not going, I'm so upset I can't recover, I don't understand this I had some better days but I feel worse than ever:( I have the crisis team coming out tomorrow now I'm so scared

Hello ally are you on anything for it? If so how long has you been on it?

07-04-2013, 12:21 PM
Hi em yes I think I told you in previous posts, I'm so scared how ill I feel and what's going to happen, I'm worried ill be admitted, my kids mean the world to me, and my husband says he's leaving me, I can't rest I'm so agitated, and I'm taking Valium more n more at the moment, I'm frightened.

07-04-2013, 12:48 PM
Hi em yes I think I told you in previous posts, I'm so scared how ill I feel and what's going to happen, I'm worried ill be admitted, my kids mean the world to me, and my husband says he's leaving me, I can't rest I'm so agitated, and I'm taking Valium more n more at the moment, I'm frightened.

Oh yes Hun you did sorry lol
You won't be admitted,I know it's a scary time
At the moment but you will
Get better,I know it's hard to think it will
But it will,hang in there

07-04-2013, 01:05 PM
My husband says I'm not fit to be around the kids, blames me totally, and I'm sure he will tell them to admit me, I think because I'm this bad they will, Im so scared:( how can you be so sure? I'm in a really bad way, Valium not helping and I've told the mental health nurse this? nothing seems to be helping me em? and I've been bad now for over 7 months

07-04-2013, 01:11 PM
My husband says I'm not fit to be around the kids, blames me totally, and I'm sure he will tell them to admit me, I think because I'm this bad they will, Im so scared:( how can you be so sure? I'm in a really bad way, Valium not helping and I've told the mental health nurse this? nothing seems to be helping me em? and I've been bad now for over 7 months

Ok try and Calm yourself down,have you had any Therapy or change of medication? I mean have you tryed anything else
Apart from what your
On? What Causes your anxiety and panic attacks? Do you know why you feel so bad?

07-04-2013, 01:26 PM
I'm trying to but I can't:( now I'm worrying about being sent away, the other suggestion was lithium but it really doesn't sound nice, if the meds aren't working why did I have better days em? I can't understand it, my mood has got so bad,my whole body just feels trembly and it is shaking and I tried to do some relaxation but I can't do it. I've no one, no other family, I'm sure this is something else that's wrong with me as well as the anxiety?

07-04-2013, 01:33 PM
The other thing is I'm not getting any relief when I've had bad days I can normally see a slight improvement by the evening but its not? The anxiety and other symptoms are here from the moment morning comes and don't subside? I dread every day so much, I'm meant to be seeing a lady about cbt tomorrow too but I'm not sure i can as I'm too bad, I can barely move and I think I'm going to be sick. I'm totally exhausted but can't rest.

07-04-2013, 02:14 PM
Oh I really feel for you ally, anxiety is a very lonely thing and makes you feel awful so weird how it can make you feel and what it can do to you! I have a son who is 2 years old and means the world to me as well. I really wish you a speedy recovery and I'm here if you need someone to message.
My partner is quite good but he does get angry and can become quite nasty something's but he is just fed up and can't see why I have anxiety people who don't suffer from it can't relate and struggle to understand us!

07-04-2013, 02:15 PM
Oh and I've just started CBT still only had a few sessions so waiting to see an improvement but have heard its really good! Do you live in the uK?

07-04-2013, 02:20 PM
The other thing is I'm not getting any relief when I've had bad days I can normally see a slight improvement by the evening but its not? The anxiety and other symptoms are here from the moment morning comes and don't subside? I dread every day so much, I'm meant to be seeing a lady about cbt tomorrow too but I'm not sure i can as I'm too bad, I can barely move and I think I'm going to be sick. I'm totally exhausted but can't rest.

Everyone gets good and bad days,I would go and try the Therapy I'm going for my first one next weds,belive me I know how anxiety can make you feel I've had it on and off for 20 years now

07-04-2013, 02:21 PM
Oh and I've just started CBT still only had a few sessions so waiting to see an improvement but have heard its really good! Do you live in the uK?

I'm going for my first one next week,how did you find it? I live in the uk :) do you?

07-04-2013, 02:25 PM
My doctor ref me for it an its called talking space i live in the uk as well :)

07-04-2013, 02:27 PM
Yes I live in the uk, do you? I'm so scared, this is just not relenting, what if I am admitted, I can't do this anymore it's just so bad, I'm feeling sick constantly I can't get food down my little boy wants to play with me and I'm just not able to, how can I carry on and why has this got so bad if not worse again? are you on any tablets? I'm worrying that the Valium is making me so shaky too not the anxiety? I feel wretched

07-04-2013, 02:32 PM
Ok ally Listen to me,I was so so bad four weeks ago I was the same as you going off my mind with worry I could not eat I could not sleep my husband was non understanding I have two children to so I know how your feeling,you won't be Taken away anywhere,you need to find something that's going to help you,your scared right now which is making your anxiety worse,what makes you Anxious and what are you worried of? Heath ect ?

07-04-2013, 02:34 PM
I do live in the uk. I think you need to go back to your GP maybe and discuss other options? My go wanted me to take medication I refused because they can make some people worse!! I had hypnotherapy done went to a few sessions I don't know where in the uk you live but there is an amazing guy who lives just near London he really changed me and helped me. He is a clinical hypnotherapist and there's another guy who is an anxiety specialist who I've read great stuff about. These are just some other options you have ?

07-04-2013, 02:37 PM
I live in London where are you both ?

07-04-2013, 02:43 PM
I'm just in Oxfordshire well if you want any of the details for these people I can give you them like i said it can change your life it did mine I still have panic attacks but I can manage them better and o don't think negative all the time

07-04-2013, 02:45 PM
I'm just in Oxfordshire well if you want any of the details for these people I can give you them like i said it can change your life it did mine I still have panic attacks but I can manage them better and o don't think negative all the time

Yes that will
Be gr8 just in box me :) how is your sickness been?

07-04-2013, 02:53 PM
It's getting better I think! I have a scan on monday as I'm pregnant and its a scan to see how far I am. I miscarried in jan just gone so in pretty nervous

07-04-2013, 02:57 PM
It's getting better I think! I have a scan on monday as I'm pregnant and its a scan to see how far I am. I miscarried in jan just gone so in pretty nervous

I can understand how you feel I had a Miscarriage to so I know how you feel

07-04-2013, 06:57 PM
I am speechless.... ally don't be afraid, remember you are not going crazy you can get over this and still have you kids, how in the world are you a unfit mother? you probably got this because of your love for them, you are great mother and will get better. Your kids will always love you no matter what.