View Full Version : Hi im new here!

07-04-2013, 03:12 AM
I recently have had a bad time with anxiety....i got in to a car accident last summer that i was not injured in but i did total my car. It was raining. On the highway. I didnt think i was going that fast but i noticed a car in front of me that i was going to hit if i didnt act quickly so i slammed on the brakes and hydroplaned across two lanes in to the median. I never spoke to anyone professionally about it because i figured i would over come any panicky feelings. I have trouble driving in the rain and especially in snow. I live in new england so this is very crippling. Now that its summer that worry has at least subsided for now but I notice I take stressful situations and make it in my mind that they will happen to me all day every day. I went to the ER with my boyfriend a week ago he had a kidney stone and was very very sick to his stomach. I have a vomit phobia so this was extremely difficult for me. I went number 2 about 7 times in the hospital. It took me 3 days to get my appetite back. I feel absolutely ridiculous. I am making a big deal out of everything now. I cooked chicken and i doubted myself if I cooked it to the correct temp and i made my self sick thinking i have salmonella. *sigh* its 5:07 am. ive slept maybe 3 hours. i had to leave my boyfriend sleeping alone in our bed because i didnt want to disturb him with my nonsense. I know that my mind is running wild and i hate it. Ive never actually been diagnosed with any anxiety/panic disorder, but i am going to the drs very soon. Hopefully they dont look at me like I'm nuts. going in our bedroom now...might as well, seeing as the suns up. :/

07-04-2013, 04:59 AM
Just be honest and open with the doc. They've heard it all before. You're not alone. Alankay

07-04-2013, 07:16 AM
Hi Jess I am also new here wanted to know more things how to come out of depression and what not to do in Anxiety.

07-04-2013, 08:13 AM
Hi Jess I am also new here wanted to know more things how to come out of depression and what not to do in Anxiety.

I've learned so far that with my anxiety I have to focus on other things. My breathing, a book, working out. I guess that doesn't solve the problem but it helps me get through day by day. Depression is hard one, you really need the support of your loved ones.

07-04-2013, 08:31 AM
You could have post traumatic stress maybe :/

07-04-2013, 08:43 AM
You could have post traumatic stress maybe :/

I googled that (never a good idea, googling things) and you can have partial ptsd. I don't have the flashbacks that are usually associated with PTSD. It's just the bad weather part where immediately my brain tells me that 1) you're gonna def get in to an accident and 2) you will hurt yourself or another. I hate it. And I have a 30 min commute to work.

07-04-2013, 08:57 AM
I think I might aswell. I dont have flashbacks either but im always terrified im going to be blaned of something I didnt do. Last night I woke up with an extreme headache and afraid id be getting blamed. I just kept counting in my head fast and tellling myself that it is not real. Lets see what my therapist says though :/

07-04-2013, 09:04 AM
I think I might aswell. I dont have flashbacks either but im always terrified im going to be blaned of something I didnt do. Last night I woke up with an extreme headache and afraid id be getting blamed. I just kept counting in my head fast and tellling myself that it is not real. Lets see what my therapist says though :/

That's the monster of anxiety. It's like your mind blows things completely and utterly out of proportion. And you can't escape it. I can't wait to see a therapist. Its good that youre going to one, they can ease your mind a bit. This is the first time in my life I've felt it bad enough to want medication, are you on medication? ...oh and maybe a cold compress or some fresh air might help with your head?..hang in there.

07-04-2013, 10:16 AM
Yeah im wayyyyyyy less stressed now then before my first visit this past monday. I had a wine cooler last night and my anxiety or whatever the hell it is flared luke crazy... I mean a wine cooler is barely alcoholic so idk if that was the reason I had it or what :(

Nope no medication as of yet.

07-04-2013, 10:30 AM
That's good to know, I'm hopeful. That's interesting about the wine cooler though. You're right it doesn't have that much alcohol, if you haven't consumed alcohol recently or haven't been feeling quite right it could've caused a headache. And your anxiety just amplified it. It does that with everything. I'm afraid to eat right now cuz of mine, and my hunger pains are hunger pains but my head says differently. -___- so so frustrating.

07-04-2013, 11:03 AM
It wasnt as much as an headache this time. More like purely terrified!

07-04-2013, 11:05 AM
It wasnt as much as an headache this time. More like purely terrified!

Hey JCX how's things going?

07-04-2013, 11:54 AM
Better Em. Today ive juat been uneasy. Last night it was horrible for a good 5 minutes :(

07-04-2013, 12:03 PM
Better Em. Today ive juat been uneasy. Last night it was horrible for a good 5 minutes :(

Aww you poor thing tho you got through it do well done :) just remember you are safe no harm will come to you,it's just anxiety no matter how bad you feel

07-04-2013, 07:02 PM
hi welcome to forum and I hope you are feeling better

07-04-2013, 07:02 PM
Hi everyone...I was just wondering, can your body be tense from anxiety causing sore muscles once you start to kind of relax. From having myself so worked up I noticed soreness right in the center under my rib cage and just a blah feeling in general.

07-04-2013, 07:04 PM
yes I get sore and ache all over, muscles that I never knew I had hurts. I think that blah feeling is being really tired from anxiety and panick.

07-04-2013, 07:26 PM
Yes tired is something else as well, I was able to nap today for about 3 hrs which I good because I barely slept last night. That makes me feel better, knowing I'm not the only one with odd aches and exhaustion. Thank you.

07-05-2013, 06:13 AM
I've learned so far that with my anxiety I have to focus on other things. My breathing, a book, working out. I guess that doesn't solve the problem but it helps me get through day by day. Depression is hard one, you really need the support of your loved ones.

Thank You Jess my family supports me a lot and I am practicing yoga and meditation also to get controlled.