View Full Version : Uh,Oh

07-03-2013, 08:52 PM
Here we go,
Was feeling a little off mood wise today. Never felt great but certain situations would bring on a good memory and I would feel fine and then go back to where I was. Gave me a little anxiety so I decided to hop on the internet and type in my symptom and see what came up. BAD NEWS. Now I think I have Bi-Polar and Borderline Personality Disorder. I already believe I have Bi-Polar disorder, (Bi-Polar II) but now I am thinking I have Borderline Personality Disorder. I just am afraid I might be screwed up for life and it makes me feel really down. Let me know what you guys think.


07-03-2013, 09:02 PM
Well I don't know to much about you at this time except goggling symptoms is a bad idea! Do you see a doctor regularly? Are you on meds? What have you been diagnosed with? I figuring health anxiety. Just a guess tho!

07-03-2013, 09:07 PM
I had bad anxiety 2 summers ago a real "mental breakdown" and went to a counselor for a bit. I was there for about 2 months and got on zoloft. I was on zoloft for 6 months but didnt like the tickle in the back of my neck. was fine for 6 months and now I am back here again, anxiety and depression. I took a low dose because I thought it was going to make me MANIC and I didnt want to go crazy. Its my biggest fear.

07-03-2013, 09:07 PM
Diagnosed GAD

07-03-2013, 09:46 PM
Here we go,
Was feeling a little off mood wise today. Never felt great but certain situations would bring on a good memory and I would feel fine and then go back to where I was. Gave me a little anxiety so I decided to hop on the internet and type in my symptom and see what came up. BAD NEWS. Now I think I have Bi-Polar and Borderline Personality Disorder. I already believe I have Bi-Polar disorder, (Bi-Polar II) but now I am thinking I have Borderline Personality Disorder. I just am afraid I might be screwed up for life and it makes me feel really down. Let me know what you guys think.


What about your feelings make you feel bipolar? Honestly, you sound like a normal person to me! We all get happier when recalling a good memory. And that feeling lasts for a while then we go back to our previous feelings.

One of the biggest diagnosis for BPD is suicidal thoughts. Are you feeling those? If so, I honestly recommend seeking help right away. If not, you probably don't have BPD. Just a very annoying case of anxiety!

Anxiety is evil, and mimics so many things. It makes us believe we have heart diseases, strokes, personality disorders, and all sorts of things. When really, it's this horrible thing called anxiety and it loves when we get even more worked up worrying about our symptoms. And googling is our worst nightmare! I hope you are feeling better soon!

07-03-2013, 09:59 PM
I dont feel like suicide but I have obsessive thoughts about it that create anxiety attacks. Like i will think about it or it will pop into my head and go away. It is mostly that kind of thought. I dont sit and dwell on it, its mostly a pop and it freaks me out. The thing that freaked me out is I was reading about it and it said confusion of sexual orientation. And of course people once in a while think about it. And also an Identity crisis. I feel like the vague behavior in which the article I was reading created this panic.

I had a bad feeling the other day, I didnt want to be alone because I thought I was gonna lose control and kill myself because I was alone. Probably just more anxiety though.

07-03-2013, 10:10 PM
So your not on any medication now? It sounds like anxiety to me as well. Can create mood swings, along with other annoying symptoms, and sensations. If you are to ever google anything make sure it's about anxiety! You will find a lot more answers there.

07-04-2013, 09:34 AM
I am just having a tough time with my mood right now so I typed that into google. Of coarse it shot out many answers for me. I will go through my night last night as far as my mood went. I came home and went on here. My roommate was watching a movie. My GF txted me and was drinking with a friend and wanted to come over. I didnt really want to be around drunk people so I didnt pick them up. They came over anyways and I was in a really bad mood. Almost anything they said made me want to flip. I took a xanax to calm me. I still was jumpy. I went to bed and she followed. I felt much better and was even smiling and laughing. Does this seem like an anxiety mood swing?

07-04-2013, 09:59 AM
Yes, and even a normal moods wing. I get like that when I feel disrespected, or inconvenient I mean people have different moods on different days. Only need to be concerned if it was chronic! I suffered bipolar years ago, and it was extreme mood swings. Lasting days of ups, and downs. I would go out and party, spend money on mindless things, didn't care about no one or anything! Then after a week of that I would crash and not even get out of bed, wouldn't eat, shower, work, nothing! Just cry and feel real down, then I would snap out of it again and do the same thing all over again. I don't believe I have bipolar. But it was a bipolar episode that hooked onto my depression. My doctor put me on Paxil after having anxiety along with it all. And I snapped out of all of it! I took Paxil for 3 years then weaned off it without any trouble. I was fine for 10 years! Until may of this year. Then I had a panic attack witch opened up all the doors again! My doctor put me back on Paxil. And IV educated myself on anxiety, every aspect of it. And today I'm better! Learn how it works! What it dose, and how to desensitize yourself from it. Also learn relaxing techniques, and stress management. Those are the only thing you need to google! LOL. Also learn not to dewel on things to long! Don't do things that will fuel the anxiety!

07-04-2013, 07:56 PM
Yea, I was on Zoloft and didnt like the tickling sensation in the back of my neck. Gave me a little anxiety thinking I was gonna loose control or something. I am going to set up an appt tomorrow for a psych. I would have done it earlier but an appt is like a month out. Guess there is alot of people just like me...

07-06-2013, 09:58 AM
The biggest thing, if you go through my postings. I was not on here for a year following my first membership. I didn't really have anxiety to the point of being on here. I was fine and felt that I could deal with it on my own. The problem is, I am back here again. The fact that I had been fine and not having these symptoms and now I am here for no reason. I dont have the typical "triggers" besides just being down. I need to get into a psych but I dont want people to know what I am going through. I am fine telling my parents but I just dont think alot of people will understand. I am just so scared of my future and what I might be with these episodes. I truly think it is Bi-polar, and although it isn't a death sentence, it feels like one.

07-15-2013, 06:45 AM
This comment might be extremely belated. I'm actually wondering about your family situation. Were any of your parents domineering and critical of your actions? Demanded respect forcefully? Were they quick to snap out?
If yes, then you have learned to loose your cool, you're not bipolar or going crazy (even near to it), you just have some bad habits. You can teach yourself to be chill, remember all the things your parents did that you wouldn't want to repeat (write it down if you must). Once you recognize them you can learn to conscientiously correct them before you do them. Sometimes things bug us, like drunk gf's showing up uninvited. I personally think you should've let her come over drunk, didn't have to pick her up. That's fine, but she's safer around you. She's much better off inebriated around you than men you don't know. You don't know if they will respect your woman or your relationship. Maybe you can tell her once she sobers up, that you don't feel comfortable with her being wasted, she can drink but not get hammered unless she's with you. I don't know how else to help with this instance I'd have to hear more to fully understand the situation better.

If you are sure you have mood swings and they are not something you learned. I don't think its bipolar disorder. In bipolar disorder you are either manic or depressive (Very happy or bummed out). Wanting to lash out isn't bipolar. It could just be stress from your anxiety. These things they happen. I would lash out at my dad all the time even though I knew he was trying to help. I love my dad he's good people. But I couldn't stop myself. I wanted him to leave me alone, I wanted everyone to leave me alone. I hated being around people. People, even my own family, made me feel the symptoms of anxiety. I was uncomfortable, but everybody would crowd me trying to help me get better. I started getting angry because I was sick and I didn't want to be sick, I just ended up taking it out on other people.
Anywho. I'd like to hear more about your symptoms. I had severe crippling anxiety at one point (had intrusive/weird/"evil"/scary thoughts, heard things, saw things, I was delusional, thought irrational things, experienced weird and uncomfortable physical sensations, I had severe phobias, I couldn't do things I would normally could. For example, read, follow conversation with a group of people, follow movie plots. I was afraid to go out in public. And suffering wasn't limited to just public places, even in complete solitude I was tormented. I had symptoms common in the following: Schizophrenia, OCD, Depression, Anxiety, Agoraphobia, Psychosis, Mental breakdown. (I didn't have all these illnesses, I merely had some of the symptoms. If you want more explanations on how things turned full blown read my other post on intrusive thoughts (This is my second post, so it's easy to fin. d), it might help prevent things going to shit. I ended up weighing 107lbs and I'm 5'8. I was grossly underweight from all the stress. But I made it out alive. And now I'm here to help people. I want to make the healing process shorter than the one I had. I suffered for two years straight. I don't think I did a good job describing the extent of my anxiety, but it was bad. THERE IS SO MUCH I KNOW AND LEARNED THAT I'M DYING TO SHARE WITH THE WORLD!! free of charge. There are so many people out there charging for anxiety cures.

Anyways, let me know more stuff about your situation. I'll be glad to help. If not, is all good. c: