View Full Version : Tight chest

07-03-2013, 01:17 PM
Hi I'm new to this thread, I've been suffering from anxiety for about a year. The past few days my chest has felt tight and like a cant catch my breath on and off, i keep wanting to take a deep breath to relieve it. I'm not sure what's triggered it this time but I just want to get rid of this tight feeling in my chest any one got any tips? Thanks

07-03-2013, 08:54 PM
Hi , and welcome!

That is a classic symptom of anxiety. First off what have you done in order to deal with your anxiety? Are you on medication? Have you had test done with your doctor?
Have you tried relaxing , and breathing techniques? Or guided meditation? Do you know how to breath properly?
Many anxiety sufferers don't take in enough oxygen without even knowing it! May cause you to want to yawn a lot. Very important to drink lots of water too!
Sit or lay down. Whatever is comfy. Place one hand on your chest, and one on your stomach. Breath slowly thro your nose, filling up your stomach, NOT YOUR CHEST! Only your tummy should rise. Hold for count of 3 then slowly breath out all the way. As you do this imagine all the tension in your chest melting away! Loosen all the muscles , neck shoulders, and chest! Do as many as you feel comfy with. Do it at night before bed, and a few times during the day! Practice as often as you can!

07-04-2013, 01:23 PM
Hi and Thanks very much for your reply Dcoito,

I'm going to give these breathing exercises a go.
I was on citalopram for a few months but came off it when I thought I could cope with things better. Considering going back on it but I would rather try and tackle it without medication. Been really helpful reading everyone's stories on here.