View Full Version : Help please!

07-03-2013, 09:31 AM
So, my biggest anxiety is that I'll develop some kind of terminal illness. It really scares me and I think about it often.

A week ago I developed sore, red, inflamed cheeks. I called my hygienist sister and she said it probably has to do with my hormones (13 weeks pregnant) and to rinse with mouthwash. The soreness went away for a week, and is now back again, but worse.

My cheeks swelled last night so badly that I could hardly bite down. I had to literally move the cheek out of the way of my teeth. Because of how swollen they are, I now have teeth indentations. I began rinsing with mouthwash again. The swelling has gone down some, but now I'm left with more pain, and the roof of my mouth is now red and hurts.

I'm scared I have some sort of autoimmune disease, or cancer.

I hate rushing to the doctor, and quite honestly, I don't really know who to go to. Dentist, pcp, or ent?

I don't really trust my dentist anyway. I used to work in a dental office and I just don't think they see enough cases like this to really know what's going on. They just mouth off some bs to get you out and on your way.

So ent or pcp???

07-03-2013, 09:47 AM
If your worried about it go to your doctors but I think it's your Hormones and anxiety

07-03-2013, 10:05 AM
Ya, I just don't know what to think of it. I want to believe its hormonal, but when I google it with pregnancy, I can't find anyone else with the problem. Just people who have cancer or autoimmune diseases.

And I don't know who to go to. Why would it come for a few days, leave for a week, then reappear? I don't remember eating anything that would trigger it.

07-03-2013, 12:37 PM
The problem with something like this is that there could be a myriad of causes(most being benign). It would be very hard for anyone here to give you any kind of solid answer unless they have experienced a similar situation.

The fact that you're pregnant would definitely lead me to believe it has something to do with that, but really, only a doctor would be able to tell you for sure. I'm assuming, since you're pregnant, that you're seeing a good OB/GYN..I'd recommend starting there first, if it's an issue due to pregnancy, they would know and give you some kind of advice/solution.

In the mean time, try not to google the symptoms, that's the worst thing you could do. Google is not your friend when it comes to looking up symptoms, you'll only fuel the fear.

07-03-2013, 01:22 PM
Jump in the car and go to your local quick care. Or outpatient and see what they think. Better then wondering! You shouldn't google tho! Bad news! LOL.

07-03-2013, 06:16 PM
Total waste of time. Dentist did nothing for me. Ob did nothing for me. Can't see pcp until Friday. So now I just sit in pain. Great. I've been telling these doctors I didn't feel well for 3 months. Always told its just a virus. A virus that mutates and transforms for 3 months?! I now have red bumps on the back of my throat. Great.