View Full Version : differences

07-03-2013, 08:27 AM
Ok so we all know what the differences are between Psychiatrist's, Psychologists, and counselors.

My question and kinda ranting abit is what works best for you? I hate goin to a psychiatrist due to the fact they just sit there and judge you, then put you on meds to think they can "cure" you. I'm on Wellbutrin and it works wonders for me cause I'm not dependable on it. Now everyone is different and some people do need some medication. Nuttin wrong with that. I prefer to go to a counselor cause they give advice.

But it really bothers me how a psychologist and a psychiatrist just sit there n judge you. Or am I wrong??

shane bevan
07-03-2013, 12:17 PM
I see a theropist who has done an amazing job helping me. I thank her alot for what she has done.