View Full Version : Heart palps!!!!!

07-02-2013, 07:23 PM
I did not feel these heart palps 2 years ago????? Why the heck do I feel them now and why the heck won't they go away????? Please shed some light on this

07-02-2013, 07:30 PM
The heart palpitations is an increase flow of blood through your body. It'a what comes with anxiety and it should past. Try deep breathing or pretending like you're going for a poo... Gross I know but it helps to slow your heart beat down.

07-03-2013, 06:51 PM
I did not feel these heart palps 2 years ago????? Why the heck do I feel them now and why the heck won't they go away????? Please shed some light on this

Hi Blessed, what did the doctors end up saying about your monitor? I'm guessing you're like me and the heart palps are from anxiety. I take metoprolol and that seems to help my palps a lot, especially when I first started taking it. They are very annoying though!!!

07-03-2013, 08:09 PM
Hi Blessed, what did the doctors end up saying about your monitor? I'm guessing you're like me and the heart palps are from anxiety. I take metoprolol and that seems to help my palps a lot, especially when I first started taking it. They are very annoying though!!!

Doc said my PVCs were completely normal everything was normal and to stop worrying abut a heart attack. In three weeks I took 96 readings. He said if he hooked up 100 people to that ECG machine, 98 of them would have the same exact readings as me. I was soooo grateful and relieved, then these past few days have been terrible anxiety. I guess you seen my above post. I need reassurance!!!!

07-03-2013, 09:28 PM
That's great news! And it sounds like he had plenty of readings to check out as well. I had the hardest time admitting that my heart palpitations could be anxiety. Honestly, I refused to believe I had anxiety at all at first. I went to the ER a dozen times, if not more. I saw my cardiologist every month. Had every test they could do, and I still didn't believe them.

I started taking beta blockers, that helped the palps go away. Then I started taking Lexapro, just to make my family shut up and figured it couldn't hurt me. Honestly, best decision I ever made. I finally have a life again. I can finally walk through a store without feeling like I'm having a heart attack. And before I could barely walk to my car it was so bad. And this site was so helpful for me. I still have issues, I still get palpitations occasionally, and I never had them before. But now I know it's just my anxiety.

So my suggestion to you is instead of focusing on what's wrong with your heart, focus on beating the anxiety. That will make your heart feel better. And avoid caffeine, sugar, and fatty foods. Caffeine is an anxious persons worst nightmare...I read it actually increases anxiety, and sugar makes you jittery. I know this was long, but hope it helps!

If you don't mind me asking, what state do you live in?

07-04-2013, 01:46 AM
I have heart palps all the time!! I ended up seeing a cardiologist about the too because my doctor scared the mess out of me. She listened to my heart and said, "WOW! You've got a heart murmur so loud, a med student could hear it!!"
Anyway, went to the cardiologist, had an ECHO, EKG, wore a holter monitor, and had a bunch of blood tests done and all came out normal. Had a few PVC's, but he said its normal. Needless to say, I still worry about the heart palps and I now get flutters too. Feels like my heart is jumping and twitching. So unnerving!! I just keep telling myself everything was normal.

07-05-2013, 07:26 PM
That's great news! And it sounds like he had plenty of readings to check out as well. I had the hardest time admitting that my heart palpitations could be anxiety. Honestly, I refused to believe I had anxiety at all at first. I went to the ER a dozen times, if not more. I saw my cardiologist every month. Had every test they could do, and I still didn't believe them.

I started taking beta blockers, that helped the palps go away. Then I started taking Lexapro, just to make my family shut up and figured it couldn't hurt me. Honestly, best decision I ever made. I finally have a life again. I can finally walk through a store without feeling like I'm having a heart attack. And before I could barely walk to my car it was so bad. And this site was so helpful for me. I still have issues, I still get palpitations occasionally, and I never had them before. But now I know it's just my anxiety.

So my suggestion to you is instead of focusing on what's wrong with your heart, focus on beating the anxiety. That will make your heart feel better. And avoid caffeine, sugar, and fatty foods. Caffeine is an anxious persons worst nightmare...I read it actually increases anxiety, and sugar makes you jittery. I know this was long, but hope it helps!

If you don't mind me asking, what state do you live in?

Thank you I live in Georgia how about yourself?