View Full Version : New to This--A short version of my story

Jessica T M Bathea
07-02-2013, 07:07 PM
Hi, my name is Jessica, and I am relatively new to anxiety help networks in general.

I just graduated high school, and I have been having problems with anxiety since the 7th grade. On-and-off, I have had continuous feelings of dreads over petty situations that, although seemed big to me then, don't seem that bad now.

I had been taking antidepressants for the past four years now, and I didn't feel like they helped, so I have been weaning myself off of them.

I also escaped--I mean, broke up with, a boy that I had been dating for a very short period of time, although the relationship was very intense. He kept contacting me after we broke up, pleading for help with his life, and just last week, I just decided to cut him off--block his phone number, Facebook, skype, everything.

Lately, I have been overcome with this terror that he will come after me and my family. It's consuming and uncomfortable, especially when I am trying to enjoy my summer vacation. I have been checking and double-checking that my doors and windows are locked, making sure my house alarm is on before I go to bed, and worrying that I forgot to secure the house when I get a chance to leave. I have a feeling of dread that he will come to my home and harm me and my family, although logically, it seems so unlikely. I live in a suburb where even if an unwanted person did come around my property, a quick phone call would have the cops right over.

It's subsiding a little bit, day by day, but I have still been pretty afraid of it. I haven't spoken to my family (mom) about it, because I don't want to worry her. Any suggestions? I'd appreciate similar stories as well. It's nice to feel like you're not alone with stories like this.

Thanks - Jessica

EDIT: I also realized that by registering with facebook, all of my personal information is up on this website. How do i take it off? please and thanks.