View Full Version : body went into fight or flight mode....and i got into a fist fight. Please read

07-02-2013, 06:44 PM
as I type this I am literally crying. Tonight is absolutely horrible and I am still in shock because of it. Tonight me and my family were discussing our money troubles. Me and my bro both live with my mom. Me and my brother began to argue. As we argued my "fight or flight" system literally got triggered. What triggered it was when my brother began to act like a bully and screamed in rage " I do whatever the fuck I want to do" And proceeded to scream it at the top of his lungs to me. He refused to quiet down and refused to listen to our mother. (this is her household) I am 21 and my brother is 23. When he screamed that my heart was beating fast, i was getting hot and I went over and hit him in the face then he hit me back and it turned into a fist fight until my mom intervened. I feel extremely shitty and upset right now because hes my brother and I love that man to death. The good thing is we both apologized to each other (and both to my mom) and it lasted only for 5 seconds (or less) right after we were pulled apart he still continued to scream at me and rage before we could both just calm down and relax for 10 minutes without saying a word. My brother also has anxiety and takes meds for it. But I honestly think the meds made him alot worse because he can be calm in a minute and then the next second he can go into a rage. (not blaming the meds, but he was never like this before. He may need to switch doses or something) So here I am now typing this out. The house is fine now, nobody is yelling. But it sucks and the whole situation sucks. Nothing like this has ever happened before ever. This is the first time.

I dont want to walk around with the thought in my head that im crazy or something because of this fight. Before this happened I was literally trying to calm myself down and control my breathing but it was a absolute failure because my mind just kept saying their is danger ahead and I snapped because I felt like I was being bullied.

I dont know what to think of my self. I already apologized. I just want to forget this happened. Right now everything is normal somewhat.

Have any guys or even girls ever got into a fist fight with your siblings? This is the first time this has EVER happened..help please and tell me im not a shitty person or crazy because of this.

07-02-2013, 07:07 PM
You're deffo not crazy!!! I have personally never gotten into a fist fight with my siblings. At that time your emotions was probably all over the place and so that was the only thing you could do. You're family at the end of the day, shit happens... You'll both laugh about it later on in life. As long as you both said sorry, then you shouldn't worry about it too much as it will just trigger your anxiety to next levels.

07-02-2013, 08:40 PM
I read all this and I dont even think its anxiety. You just acted normally

07-02-2013, 09:19 PM
i recently ended up in a fistfight with my brother too.he has some pretty severe anger issues.he often misinterprets situations that don't suit him and gets crazy angry,also with criticism he goes crazy.He made a jibe at me after i quit smoking a while ago.i didn't react well called him a name or two but he literally flew off the handle and started raining down punches on me.i defended myself with a couple of punches and spent the whole might having panic attacks and argueing.essentially i have dealt with him for years and know he wont change but a little patience and understanding have gone a long way with me and my brother recently.my personal struggle with anxiety has been torturous at times and at the end of the day when i thought i was having serious heart problems the other night he sat with me in a hospital bed for 5 hours listening and trying to help me.

I mean simply that whatever happens spur of the moment doesnt change the fact hes your brother no matter how unmanageable he is at times lol be the first to apologise even if it wasn't your fault you only get one family after all.remember his better qualities or a funny moment which you can bring up to bridge the arguing rather than perpetually escalate matters.hope that helps

07-02-2013, 09:29 PM
Yeah me and my brother have had every kind of fight... even a knife fight!

It's perfectly normal to want to kick your brothers ass.

07-03-2013, 12:49 PM
So just a little update on the situation. Basically everything is pretty normal right now. However my body is not normal. I feel on edge and super alert still. Is this excess Adrenaline still going through me? Will this go away in the next couple of days if i just relax? Is this norm after a fight or something?