View Full Version : Gross topic

07-02-2013, 12:37 PM
A bit of a gross topic but here goes,…

Have any of you suffered gastrointestinal problems brought on by anxiety? Pain, bloating, diarrhea? That sort of thing?
My doctor suggested it, saying that after 20+ years of worry, it's more than possible for the body to eventually fall ill.

07-02-2013, 01:15 PM
Yes, and it was awful. I had never experienced severe heartburn, acid reflux or bloating until a few weeks ago after I started having severe anxiety. I was convinced I had a hernia or something awful that was causing it. I tried to talk to the doctor I was seeing about it but she had no interest in hearing it and just disregarded it entirely. Once my anxiety level started to go down, the stomach problems went away...my appetite came back, I wasn't bloated, and I wasn't having any of the acid reflux. I also got a suggestion from a friend that the bloating could be caused be excess yeast growth in the small intestine, so I started taking Acidophilus, a pro-biotic that fights yeast and helps promote healthy digestion, and all my stomach related symptoms have completely disappeared.

07-02-2013, 02:07 PM
A bit of a gross topic but here goes,…

Have any of you suffered gastrointestinal problems brought on by anxiety? Pain, bloating, diarrhea? That sort of thing?
My doctor suggested it, saying that after 20+ years of worry, it's more than possible for the body to eventually fall ill.

I can truly understand i have constant problems with my stomach thanks to my anxiety, i cannot count the number of times i try drugs like Prilosec and no relief. Anymore i hate eating and the only thing my doctor has said is lose weight , my family think i need to relax. You could try eating like 4 small healthy meals instead of the traditional 3 big ones i am not sure your eating habits.

07-02-2013, 05:00 PM
A bit of a gross topic but here goes,…

Have any of you suffered gastrointestinal problems brought on by anxiety? Pain, bloating, diarrhea? That sort of thing?
My doctor suggested it, saying that after 20+ years of worry, it's more than possible for the body to eventually fall ill.

Yep all of it. Especially the diarrhea when I get nervous

cellar door
07-02-2013, 05:32 PM
A bit of a gross topic but here goes,…

Have any of you suffered gastrointestinal problems brought on by anxiety? Pain, bloating, diarrhea? That sort of thing?
My doctor suggested it, saying that after 20+ years of worry, it's more than possible for the body to eventually fall ill.

I thought I had norovirus but no one around me got sick. bloating, lower abdominal pain, vomiting, diahrrea, vertigo, memory loss, confusion, fatigue.

I was looking at my walkin clinic file yesterday and I had gone there with these symptoms earlier in the year. maybe it is anxiety driven. I've certainly lost my marbles lately.