View Full Version : Anxiety am I screwed forever?

09-12-2007, 07:57 PM
Everytime, I read someone's story about their anxiety, it makes me feel better because I know I'm not alone... but at the same time, most stories are of people who have been dealing with anxiety for years and years, you never hear of anyone ridding themsleves of any disorders, even with the help of excercise and meds.... So my question, is am i doomed with elevated anxiety for the rest of my days? It's been 8 months since anxiety/panic attacks have entered my life, now i'm on meds and i feel like crap. I wonder what the future holds?

09-12-2007, 09:14 PM
Hi Guy.

There are a few people around, who's stories can be found on here, that talk about overcoming their issues...

I know you're concerns though, I feel the same way :unsure:

I've been dealing with depression since I was in my late teens, then the last 1 1/2 - 2 years I've had the stress & anxiety side of it all to contend with too.

I won't give up though, and I'll keep fighting it.

Have been getting therapy for the last few months which is really helping me to understand myself, and in some ways it has helped me get a grip on my own reality... Or at least my twisted version of reality... and challenge it.

Also was on SSRI's for nearly 2 years but stopped them a cpl of months back as I wanted to experience how I would feel without them, and I also thought this would help me feel that I was more in control of my life. Started off great once I got over the withdrawals, but am feeling pretty shit again now... Am hoping this is just a dip in my emotions as I currently have a lot of things going on in my life.

I sincerely believe that I will reach a stage where, although this depression & anxiety will still be a part of my life, I will be in control of it so it will cease to affect me on a daily basis.

09-13-2007, 08:01 AM
If you hit my name into the search engine, you'll find my little story of beating anxiety sans meds. I'm still going strong with no sign of the anxiety returning proper (everyone has the odd symptomatic period or two when you're recovering).

09-13-2007, 01:36 PM
Hello Foxfire I am very interested in how you helped yourself overcome the worst of anxiety. Like you suggested to , Guy, to put your name on the search engine, I did and could not find anything about anxiety. If you would give further information, it would help both of us, hopefully. Thanks for the tip.

09-13-2007, 05:40 PM
Oh sorry guys, I meant to say just click on my profile and look for 'all posts from' and skip to my very first post....Any questions, feel free to PM me.

09-28-2007, 01:41 PM
Ive been going threw HIGH anxiety, for 8 years now, Yes its horrible, I might e mail ya.
I take xanax, & sick of Relying on it,
I cant sleep good. Toss & turn.
I went to Councilling Today.
Gotta go back oct 1, For Another one.
Ive beeen web searching about anxiety alot.
I want to be Normel, Whats Normel, Ha.
Ive been drinking Lavender tea, Have you tried that?
Im at my witts End with Anxiety, Ill try anything Once.
bought this Tiny 7 full oz Of RESCUE REMEDY,
Suppose to be good for Anxiety & stress.
Last Night was Horrible For Me,
I added Few Drops Of Rescue Remedy To my Small Orange Gatorade & took 1/ 2 Xanax, & it Knocked Me out !!! :) Then When I was Finally Sleeping Good, Alarm went Off/ Had to go to myCouncilling Apoitment & was SOOOOOO tired , For anyone Eles, Have You Tried Rescue Remedy? i Bought Mine at health store for 17 $ ,You can Order it online & web Search about it to, Till My next Post, Saying, Take Care & were All In this, Helping One another & ((((( HUGS ))))))

09-29-2007, 06:23 AM
If you're not familiar with my story, I was agoraphobic with specific phobias for 7 years and have not had a panic attacks in over 5 years since I learned coping skills. It can TOTALLY end, you just need to learn the right things and understand what you're dealing with.

Most people who are recovered don't hang out in forums like this anymore, so that's why it seems so glum. Think about it, do you go to forums for problems you no longer have?

Now I work with the group in my signature to develop a program so people don't need to search as long as I did for answers, I highly recommend it, it's helped a lot of people.

10-03-2007, 03:49 PM
Yes. It stinks. But by no means is it as hopeless as you may think.
Dealing with anxiety does not have to be a daily STRUGGLE. With time and understanding it can be a factor that you come to terms with. You CAN find peace within yourself and put anxiety behind you for good.

It will always be a part of you, but that doesn't mean you must always think of it. You will in time, with the proper therapy, understanding and self help learn to accept your anxiety and recognize it in constructive ways rather than seeing it as such a negative thing. The negativity you feel towards anxiety continues and endless cycle of pessimism. Put the doubts of anxiety behind you. When you look at life through a different lense, anxiety becomes just a small piece of the picture. You just need a different perspective. The glass really IS half full.
